Chapter 7

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(Beyond's POV)

Silence what a wonderful sound, espically when it came from someone who was just caught in a web of a master of lies and disguises. Though I was not better....I just never slipped up.

After my fits of laughter a start to speak. "You're not even going to try to deny it?" He stuttered as if trying to come up with an excuse but once he started to speak I interrupted. "No need for your lies. Your silence said it all."

I chuckled hearing another laugh in the room. "You see I know all of you know about these cursed eyes of mine that I had 'misused' for years. Well I was thinking of turning a new leaf as they say, and telling L about you. Ofcourse he would ask for proof. I simply say let me use my eyes then sneak around till I find that wimpy notebook you use and have everyone touch to see your friend. That is unless...."

He gulped still holding that button. "Unless what?" "You get L to talk to me. Face to face personally. I'll let this go. You can say I said something like. 'I'll agree to cooperate with your investigation if I can just see and talk to L. No windows, doors, locks, or fakes.' And I'll know if it is a fake."

(Light's POV)

I sighed letting go of the button thinking this over. Let him tell everyone about me no matter what, or maybe trust his word and try to convince the team. "The clock is ticking Kira..." I heard him whisper just loud enough for the mic in the room to pick it up.

I stood up and walked back to look for the team. Hopefully this will work...if not...I sigh and shake my head.

AN:Sorry I have not updated in a while I was having writers block for this story and I had to rethink the plot a bit. Though this chapter is short I hope you enjoy the story.

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