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~2 month's later~

Kayla's POV :

So over the past 2 months me,lauren,kylie, and our friend chloe have been going to mommy and me classess. And even though the girls are all 4 this class goes up to age 5 so it's cool,and nadya has gotten so big she's kinda starting to stand up but struggles a bit but she's got it down pretty good. And Nash ended up calling off the wedding with becky. I found out all about how becky was telling him to leave LA so they can only be together alone. And him being high everyday he sits back and listen's to her. But their still together just not getting married yet. And he's doing so much better with getting nadya like he's suppose to on the weekend's. And beside's he's not on drug's anymore so i trust him a whole lot more now.

"Let's go princess."I said picking nadya up as we left out the house to go to the class and just my luck...Paparazzi are everywhere outside my big gate ....i literally hate this

As we got there about 10 minutes later i seen Lauren,Kylie, and Chloe were already here with the girls running around as the mom's talked.

"Hey."Everybody said to me as i smiled and said hi while nadya went and tried to follow riley and everybody but started playing with the other kids around her size

"Sorry we're late,it was a rough morning." Our friend destiny said as her and her daughter tyla walked in. Her daughter is around the same age as riley,mia,bella and avery's age so they play together all the time and Destiny is also really great

There is also a girl named Diana in this class with her 4 year old daughter Hemma but Diana is so quiet and to herself. But we talk ,i think she doesn't open up much cause she's like the newest one here but i don't know.

Once we were done with our conversation with the instructor we had time to do whatever.

"Hey so are we still on for saturday?''Destiny asked us as we were talking about going to take the girls out to see a movie then go have lunch.

"Yes."I said

"Hey Diana."Kylie called her over

"Yea?"Diana said kindly but shyly

"Are you doing anything saturday?"Kylie asked diana

"No why?"Diana asked

"Wanna hang out with us Saturday?''Chloe asked diana

"Sure,that would be nice."Diana said with a kind smile

"Here's my number."I said as i wrote down for her

"Thank you,i'll call you later on."Diana said as she put Hemma's jacket on her and they left

"She seem's so sweet."I said

"I know."Lauren said as we got ready to go

"Hey wanna all go to the park and maybe get some Jamba Juice?"I insisted since i did not want to stay home all day doing nothing

"Sure."They all said

Kenny's Pov:

I was at the grocery store with Jase and out of no where while i was looking on the shelf's for the right pasta i wanted jase grabbed the cart and accidently push the cart into somebody else's.

"Jase,what is wrong with you buddy you can't be doing that."I told him as i put him in the cart

"I'm sorry."I told the woman

"It's no problem."She said as i was just staring at her as she was staring at me

"Jase is that you?''I'm guessing the woman's daughter said

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