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Hi catrine here just want to thank you readers for 17 reads . Sorry if the chapters are short the reason for that is on reviewing for my test. Note:don't you think the pic is cute?
Well PEACe OuT!!!

Herobrine's POV
As I prepare me and Ella's breakfast I feel someone tap my shoulder .
As I look around I found an enderman handing me an envelope I grab it from its slender arms as it vanish from tin air.
I open the envelope and found out its from the enderdragon.
I sigh why does every year has to have a meeting.
I hear foot steps and quickly put the letter to the trash can.
"*Yawn* whatcha doing up early "
A sleepy Ella said while rubbing her eyes.
"Nothing just cook our break fast"
I answer
"So what's the food ya cook? "
She asked exitedly (is there a word like that ?)
"Omelette and waffles "
"Whaaaaa you know how to make those babies"she is practically drooling right now
"Yeah now let's get eating "I said
"Aye sir!" She shouted with a salute
"So continue now the story will ya Herobrine "
She still didn't forget it
"*sigh OK so~"
"Hahahahah-eepp " notch laugh is been interupted by him tripping
After that steve laugh like crazy while I just smile and we all go back to the table.

After we eat me and Steve decided to go adventuring to the forest but of course we got compases and maps of course.
We found amazing things as usual but we stay away from caves since our parents days that monsters are over there .
We are walking back home as Steve stop me. I looked at him at confusion and he stares at his front in horror.
I looked in front and froze as a miraculous creature is now blocking our way .
It is super tall and yet its tin it got purple eyes and particles surrounding him.
Then I notice he is shock and afraid as we are
"Your. ......your. ..HIM! " it said then it teleported away in fear
"What just happened?" Steve asked
I give him a 'do I look like I know ' look then we head back home .
Time skip
As I got into bed I keep thinking about that creature and what he said.
Who is he afraid of was it me or Steve?
But I know myself who is he talking about .
I know he is talking about me yet why can't I believe ?
Why am I still fighting to not think it's me ?
Why do I have to be feared?
Then I drifted to sleep
I found myself at a dark place no light is shinning just pure darkness
I suddenly hear a voice, it is a soft voice that will comfort you just by hearing it
"Hi my lord" it said . I wanted to ask her where am I try I know I can't speak.
After that long silence I now found my self into a room it is big the but everything is colored black and red.
Then I see a boy he is like around 16 he wore a cyan shirt , a black jacket, a blue jeans, gray boots and a crown that is color black that is infiltrate of his brown hair.but something is horrifies me about his features, it is his blank white glowing eyes as it stares at me I feel a certain tension between us. Who is he?
Then someone open the door he looked identical to the boy in the thrown but without the jacket and the glowing eyes but instead he have a purple one and the fact that makes me question is that it is like Steve's eyes.
"Brother This have to stop "the 2nd boy pleaded
"Stop? Hahahahaha why? Can't you see im having fun? " the first boy said then he twitch
"This is not you please brother if you still care for me pls. Atleast fight it I beg you"the second boy said while tears fell from his eyes
"Well sorry to tell you but. . . This is the real me and no one can change that"

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