17 ☁

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"What are you gonna do with me" I asked quietly as he pushed me onto the hotel mattress handcuffing my wrist to the bed frame.

He glares at me. "First I have to see where we can go" he mumbled sitting on end of the bed facing away from me.

"Why can't we go to your house" I suggested and he turns to me glaring at me. "You honestly think I'm that stupid"?

I closed my mouth, shutting up.

"Since you told Kian on me he'll be looking for me and calling the cops, so I had to get a hotel room for now" He muttered still annoyed.

I bite my lip looking at the ceiling fuck how was I gonna get out of this?


I here J.c scream my name like its bloody murder and I automatically think something is wrong, my over protectiveness coming into full affect as I ran up our stairs.

"Kian" I screamed opening slamming the door open to see some things messed up and his back door wide open.

I run a hand threw my hair running out the back door.


I look around again before grabbing my phone I needed to get 02l together to get J.C back.

I dail Conner's number biting my lip walking back  and forth nervously.

"Hello"? A groggy voice answered.


I decided to stop there Kian next chapter is going to have full blown terrified conversations with every 02l character!!!




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