one △ psychotic

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one psychotic

To sum up in one word to tell how Dakota Smith felt about her first day of junior year, it would be dreadful. Seeing as though she was back at school for the first time in a year, not because the school year had ended last year or that summer was over. It was mainly because she was sent to a lovely, insane place that kept her locked up and under control.

While she glanced up at the doors of BHHS in front of her, a small sad sigh left her lips- she so wasn't ready for the crazy looks she was going to get from everyone. Dakota was basically the town wack job; ever since she told her parents about how she was having these weird hallucinations about dead people and distorted faces, her parents sent her to the lovely, psycho ward that is Eichen House.

She could remember the smell of the sterile rooms, and the sad screams of the other patients- it was the worst year of her life and it was all because of the monstrous wolf looking creature she saw while walking home from school one night. It scared the crap out of her, with it's dark black fur, gigantic body, and devilish claws and teeth, which caused her to tell her parents and that got her sent to go get help.

The curly haired girl drew in a deep breath before she hesitantly pushed open the doors, her right hand gripping tightly into her maroon backpack. She tentatively made her way down the hall, her head tipped down to her feet avoiding all the eyes that were locked her- she could just here the whispers coming from everyone as she passed. Dakota could feel her heart sinking a little in her chest as she realized that everyone was probably calling her a psychopath or mentally insane.

She quickly shifted her gaze from the floor to the lockers around her, looking for the number of  that was hers. One thing she always hated about the first day of school was finding her locker and trying to put the combo. The quiet girl instantly found it, but suddenly, her heart seemed to drop even lower in her chest and dread began to drown it- two familiar faces were standing by her locker at their own laughing and gazing around at the people around them. Allison Argent and Lydia Martin, the two who she used to be good friends with- well more Allison than Lydia. Wanting to be unnoticed, Dakota quietly walked up to her locker and began putting her combo in, the two girls not acknowledging her like she wanted to.

"Freshmen," The girl with the strawberry blonde hair mused as she leaned back against the locker next to Allison. "Tons and tons of fresh men."

The short haired brunette chuckled as she was getting stuff out for the school day. "You mean fresh boys," She turned to her friend. "Lydia, they're fourteen."

"Eh, some are more mature than others." Lydia replied nonchalantly while she shrugged her shoulders.

Dakota kept quiet, shielding herself away from Allison's and Lydia's eyes- she didn't want them to see her. She just wasn't ready to face them yet- the pain and embarrassment was just too much for her to go through her first day back.

"You know, it's okay to be single. Focus on yourself for a little while, work on becoming a better person." Allison leaned back against her now closed locker, looking over at her best friend.

Lydia turns toward her, lips pursed. "Allison, I love you... So if you need to do that thing where we talk about me and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, it's totally fine," The strawberry blonde turns back to face the hallways as she slams her hand against the locker next to her.  "But I don't want a boyfriend. I want a distraction."

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