two △ hollow

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two hollow

    In certain moments in life, everyone gets those random feelings of deja vu- one may be sitting somewhere and that person feels as if they've been there before. It's a weird feeling at first- no one can exactly explain what they're feeling when they get deja vu, it just happens and they deal with it. But in this very moment, Dakota Smith couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu as she stared blankly at the floor that was covered in blood and black feathers. She didn't know why she was feeling it or how- she just knew that she had seen all of this before.


  Her brown eyes snapped up to meet a pair of golden ones, a hint of worry in them as he gazed at her face. Stiles carefully pulled a black feather from her curly locks. Dakota bit her lip as she looked down again, trying to figure out why everything felt so familiar. She hated when she got these feelings, it always reminded her of the nights she would sit in her cell at Eichen, rocking back and forth as bloody images of people being ripped to shreds, a wolf like creature running rampant through the woods, and screams of certain few people would fill her mind.

In the midst of all her thinking, Sheriff Stilinski had came into the classroom along with Chris Argent and a couple of other deputies. Stiles had left to check on Ms. Blake, while Dakota swung her legs back and forth, in a daze- she didn't even notice the brown leather boots that came in her vision. A hand was gently placed on her shoulder, shaking her out of the memories she had as she glanced up at the short haired brunette in front of her.

"Hey, you okay?" Allison asked softly, wanting to check on the curly haired girl.

Dakota just stared at the brunette haired girl for awhile, before she finally nodded her head timidly at her. Allison felt her heart sink a little in her chest, knowing why Dakota wasn't talking to her like she used to. Her and everyone else, including Stiles, Scott, and Lydia made her feel like she was going insane, when clearly she wasn't. She was just a supernatural creature and she was locked away for no reason.

    Allison bit her lip, not knowing what to say to her old best friend. She wanted it to be like old times where they would sit in her room and just watch old 80's movies together. She scuffed the heel of her brown boot on the floor.

   Clearing her throat awkwardly, the huntress glanced at the quiet girl. "Well.. if you need anything, you can always talk to me." Allison sent her a small smile before jogging back over to her dad.

Dakota could only stare at her as she walked away- she felt confused. Why are they suddenly helping her now? She didn't know how to feel about it, she really wasn't used to it. Sighing tiredly, she picked up her maroon backpack up off the floor and quickly pulled her phone out of the front pocket. Dakota wasn't feeling too well after the whole bird incident and most people were going home, so she decided to call her dad, hoping that he could come get her.

    Placing the phone to her ear, she followed everyone else out into the hall and leaned against a locker across from the classroom as the phone began to ring. The curly haired girl anxiously tapped her fingers against her thighs- she really, really hoped that her dad would answer. Dakota and her dad were really close; she knew that he would always be there for her we she needed him and could always lift her up when she was down. Although, as the phone kept on ringing and ringing she had realized, things have changed and nothing was how it used to be.

  She was still the mentally unstable, child that her parents had left in Eichen House to suffer.

    Dakota hung up the phone, shaking her head sadly at the fact that her parents don't care. All she wanted was to go home and take her anxiety meds so she could calm down and relax- she really didn't want to have a panic attack in the middle of the hallway. Glancing around, a familiar brown headed boy came in her view, who was talking on his phone while running his fingers through his hair. Maybe Stiles can give her a ride home..

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