Chapter 34 - Chapter 40

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Chapter 34  Italics: Kim's thoughts/flashbacks

    Its been three years since the night we first made love. I stroke the hair of her sleeping form laying on my chest and look back over the happiest years of my life.

    Before that night I doubted making love was possible. I was very cynical of a lot of things until then, especially people that said they would get so emotional and cry after an orgasm because it was that damn good. I'm not a cynic anymore, we came together, and we cried together. It wasn't just sex after that night. Every intimate encounter since surpassed being just sex. Even alcohol fueled quickies in club toilets held unexplained, unbridled passion.

    Her brow creases in her sleep and I place a kiss on her forehead, she smiles and I let out a content sigh. Our relationship hasn't been just about being intimate but the tender moments that has brought us to tonight. My sleeping beauty is lying in my arms in our bedroom of our new house for the first time.

    Jane and Alex got on famously, so even though Jane lived with Cheryl, Alex would get her for a week each month and even some weekends. The three of them would spend family time together which I didn't mind. In my opinion Jane is the most loved girl in the world. She has a mummy, a daddy, three mad aunties and a Kimba.

    I wasn't sure what I was to her exactly. I was more than an auntie but not quite a mummy, where did I fit in? My answer would come months later when I moved into Cheryl's flat. It was nearing my birthday but Jane was going to be away with Alex on the day so her and Cheryl prepared a special surprise the day before. This particular morning I was in that zone between sleep and awake. I felt a little hand on my shoulder trying to shake me fully awake, "Mammy, mammy wake up" I open my eyes with tears immediatley filling them, "mammy! we have something special for you." I look to the doorway, Cheryl is approaching with a breakfast tray as tears also fill her eyes. "For you mammy, mummy helped me make it." She smiles proudly before givung me a kiss on the cheek.

    I can't believe I'm, mammy, not just Kimba anymore.

   "Babe, whats wrong?" I hear Cheryl's concerned voice as she strokes my cheek.

   "Nothing, I'm just happy" I didn't realize I had started to cry, "thinking about our lives over the past few years. Really its nothing babe, go back to sleep."

   "Not likely, happy tears or not, I'm not going to sleep knowing you're crying." She wipes away my last few tears before kissing me tenderly. She shifts on the bed so we swap positions. I lay on her chest and she lovingly strokes my hair until I fall asleep.

Chapter 35

   "Morning babe" I say groggily as I wake to Cheryl watching over me.

    She leans in capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. "Morning beautiful" she says as she finally breaks away. The hand that was on my cheek travels south slowly stroking my sides. Her sleepy smile turns to sexy grin.

    I shake my head,no. "The girls are coming over today. Its not just Sarah that can sense sex anymore, they all can. So its pretty much guaranteed our sex life will be a topic of conversation." 

   "Calm down Kimba, its not like us having sex is a secret. Am I really that bad you don't want to talk about it" She puts on a mock hurt expression as her hand grazes my thigh so close to where I need her.

   My feeble protest is soon forgotten, "Of course not babe, you're fcuking amazing, the best I ever had," I answer before pulling her into a kiss.


    The exhaustion from the house move mixed with exhaustion from our exercise in the bed, then the shower, the kitchen worktop and then finally the sofa quickly catches up with us as we fall asleep snuggled on the sofa.

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