chapter one

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After the world found out about supernatural people some went cool some freaked out.
me i just went ok they are no different then what they were before we knew about them they have there good bad and the ugly and so do we.
well now i know why zack and mark and some of the other guys in our school and class would miss a day here and there for as they where wolfs and vampires some of the parents wonted to kill the vampires that where at school or ban them altogether but we talk them out of it we asked why they said that they did not want them to kill us and we said that they have been going to this school for a long time and if they wanted to suck us dry then they would have done so by now because of this the elders from all the supernaturals held a meeting in the town hall .
we all took our seats and sat down i looked up at the stage as 7 people stood and walked up to the mikes said quited please we all quite down then he said that his name was elder brad i am one of the elders for werewolf this here is elder ethan of the vampires this is Chris elder of dragons tom he's elder for werecats which in cludes all cat snow lepodes  this is mary and she is an elder for shifters this is bob he's an elder merpeople last but not forgotten this is samuel he is an elder for elfs.

i raise my eye brows thinking wow thats alot of elders i tune into the rest of the group of people around me and listern to what they are whispering about and some of them where not good they seem to be scare and a lot of them where yelling that they are not human so they should be killed or run out off town or locked up i looked at my brother and shacked my head   at him i then stood up shutting as loud I as i could SHUT UP while turning to face the people of the town in the hall i walked up to the mike saying i know that this is big but we know most of these people we went to school with there kids we had sleep overs some of us have dated there kids they are no different from yesterday last week or last year nor are they going to be any different from tomorrow next week or next year yes they are different so am I, I'm female some of you are males does that mean that we should treat each other different no.
Hitting my hand to my head I say crap thinking (I just interrupted the elders I hope I'm not in trouble) turning around I look at the elders saying sorry I did mean to interrupt you one of the elders came up to me I think he's elder brad nodding his head saying that's ok.
Taking two steps towards him I say I have an idea he says ok what is it how about I get a couple more people and we hand out paper and get them to write down question and what they are scared of anonymously and then you can answer any questions they have or myths they may have and set them straight because I'm sure like me may have the wrong information e.g like vampires I thought that they could only come out at night time and they hate garlic and couldn't go into churches but Trevor said that's not true and I'm sure they don't know much more but what they have read in books seen in movies and watched on TV.
Elder brad called the others over and asked what about what I said and they agree with me so I walked up to the mike hum hum into the mike could everyone quiet down please when they where quiet enough I started to talk look I know this is hard for everyone but I have an idea my name is rae I'm going to call a few people here to help me this is what I'm thinking these people that I am going to call will have paper and a pen or pencil with them you will write down any questions or what you are scared of and these guys will try and answer them there will be no names at the top of the paper so it's all anonymously done.
Ok here goes guys and girls when I call can you get what pens and paper and clip boards you can please and bring them up to please ok Daniel,sona,Peter Mary,fi, can you guys start on the left side please um cat,pinkie,mark and Andrew could you guys to the right please.
Ok so start writing your questions and stuff down then in about 30 mins or so the guys that handed them out will collect them and bring them up here and hand them to me and I will read them out the the elders which hopeful by the end of it all we have a better understanding of them I looked out and someone was waving there hand around yes mrs Dunn what happen is we have more question that have not been answered well you can do one of three things you can stand like you are and ask or you can ask me and I'll ask for you anonymously or you can ask them yourself after this meeting oh ok thank you Rae.

A/N ok this my new book I hope you like it so far the question and answer will be next chapter I'm hoping to have give or take 1,000 words per chapter so vote and/or comment I'm hoping this will help with my other books as well until next chapter
The truth is out there!

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