Chapter 5: Curiously Oblivious

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I haven't had a great sleep in years but somehow last nights was peaceful. I trudge down the stairs in some sweats and a flannel , but i overhear talking.

"i think the nightmares came back." jeremy tell jenna. Due to jenna's heavy sleeping last night's events weren't clear to her so they were talking about it.

"she looked at me and said doppelgänger. I don't even know what that is." elena says. I pause in confusion, are they talking about me?

"maybe that was a one time thing." jeremy states. I make myself known and they look up at me shocked. I go to the fridge and get my yogurt. They continue to look at me and i furred my brows.

"is it my glasses?" i say pushing my glasses back. They smile and shake their heads.

"you're good , elle belle." jer says. I smile and give him a big hug.

"you really are shorter than me." elena say looking over me. I glare at her. She laughs and throws a towel at me.

"don't pick a fight with me today lena , you wont win." i warn , sending a glare her way. Her eyes challenge me , i just look away and ask jenna for her keys.

"don't do anything i wouldn't do?" jenna yells as i leave out of the house.

"what would be the purpose of life then?" i shot back at her , while getting in her car. I don't know where i'm going just driving. I pull up at a boarding house looking really confused.

"what is this place?" i mumble to myself. Its architecture is adoring. The victorian styled mansion is gorgeous.

I knock on the door , curious as to who lives here. No one answer so i leave and go back home to watch the news.

"since when do you watch the news?" jenna asks standing over me. Something told me watch it.

"yes , it was indeed a large puma that attacked the hunter." sheriff forbes says. I pull a face. A puma , really.

"thank you , sheriff." says the doucheslut , logan fell. Jenna and i scoff.

"scum bucket." jenna and i say.

"who are you guys talking to?" lena says confused. I turn around and jenna points to logan's face on the tv.

"your mom ever tell you guys the real reason i left mystic falls?" jenna asks. I pause.

"no way it was because of him." elena pauses. "he's cute." i roll my eyes and look back at the tv.

"he's a douchebag with the haircut of a cartoon character." i deadpan. Jenna laughs and elena giggles. I make a face and turn the tv off.

"lena what you doing?" i ask her, standing up in the kitchen.

"remember when mayor lockwood asked mom could she use our antiques for the display case for the founders party tomorrow night?" i nod , remembering that day. "which you are going to." she adds. I shoot her a pleading look.

"i don't have to go do i ?" i question. She gives the look. You do not want her to give you the look. I sigh heavily and make my way upstairs.


I can't believe im doing this. I'm going public making myself known. Today , arielle olivia gilbert will break free and out of her shell.

Nah , just kidding.

But my dear older sister has brought it upon herself to manipulate me into going to the ball.

"you gave me the look." i yell at her. She just glares at me.

"you have to be there." she yells back.

"i'll look ugly." i retort. She peeps her head in my room.

"you better be hot , arielle or i will give you the look and make you dye your hair back to brown." she says boldly. I cringe and glare at her. She smiles in victory. I roll my eyes.

The founders party was in 4 hours and bonnie and elena were doing their nails. I skipped out , liking my matte grey nails i had done. Now i am contemplating what to do to my hair. I curl it everyday, so that's not an option. I could press it but then i'll be twinning and im not feeling it right now.

Ooh i found it. I decide to braid two sections of my hair , bobby pin them and wand curl the rest of my hair. Since my dress has red roses on it , i apply my red lipstick and eyeliner. I then , curl my lashes , let out long sigh and look in the mirror. My face and hair were done now for my dress.

I hear yelling in jeremy's room and i decide to see what's up.

"how much was it on ebay huh ? Is that how you pay for your pot." elena spat at jeremy. I hold my finger up.

"whoa, lena...chill, what the hell is going on in here." i state , getting both of them to look at me.

"jeremy took dad's pocket watch , thats suppose to be in the display case and mayor lockwood thinks she lost it." elena says glaring at jeremy. I pause and look at jeremy.

"jeremy why did you take it?" he sighs and looks at me.

"its suppose to be handed down to the next generation." he answers. "his dad gave it to him now.." he drags out.

"its yours ," elena says in realization. I nod in agreement. I smile to myself , knowing that i fixed the problem and walked back to my room , picking out my dress.


My dress was a white strapless cupcake dress with roses on it.

I was gazing at myself in the mirror unsure of how i looked. If i say i looked hot , i'd be conceited. If i say i looked like i got hit with a bus and a tractor , i'd be insecure. The thing is i don't know how i felt right now.

Being bubbly as i can be i wave myself good bye in the mirror , slip on my suede red pumps , diamond necklace my mom gave me as a birthday present and diamond earrings to match.

I'd totally sing diamonds are a girls bestfriend if i weren't proper.

Fuck it.

I grab my hairbrush and look in my mirror. "a kiss on the hand may be quite continental but diamonds are a girls best friend. A kiss may be grand but it wont pay the rental on your humble flat. Or help you feed your meow pussycat." i sing , doing all the movements.

"men grow cold as girls grow old but we all lose are charm in the end-"

"elly get your glee fanatic ass down here lets go." elena yells at me from downstairs. I pout and look at my mirror.

"i'll be back." and with that i was gone to this asshat function.


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