Chapter 6 : 2 Brothers ,The Drunken Twin , And Carter.

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In the lockwood mansion , lost,  kind off. I haven't been here in years , when tyler and i were bestfriends.

Yep , tyler lockwood and i friends , shocker.

I grab a glass and elena smacks my hand. I glare at her.

"no wine , no alcohol , water only olivia." she scolds me. I growl at her.

"go find stefan or something." i say wanting her away so i can get me a drink. She rolls her eyes and leaves. I mentally fist pump the air and grab the drink.

"arielle gilbert." i cringe hearing the voice that called me. I turn to face tyler lockwood , one of the few people i'd been avoiding. It was fairly hard seeing as he lives here. I fake smile at him.

"tyler lockwood , the person that i might not want to see right now." i speak , sipping some wine.

"still mad over that vicki situation ?" he asks. I roll my eyes.

"no lockwood, i actually do this thing called not care." i reply to his horrendous accusation. He rolls his eyes.

"that's funny for a crazy person who cared about me too much." i shake my head and then do this thing called walking away.

"see now tyler im doing this thing , called walking away , which prevents me from inhaling your asshole personality." i say confidently . Then bump into a firm chest. I look up to see the person i never wanted to see again. I move away from him and he pulls me back.

"just the girl i was looking for." damon says smirking. I walk away from him and disappear in the crowd of guest.


I find myself on my third cupcake , looking at the antiques with stefan and elena.

"there's a lot of history in here." she mentioned.

"half of which i already know." i state taking a bite into my cupcake.

Elena and stefan move over to read the original founders constitution.

"the founding families of mystic falls , virginia welcome you to the inaugural founders council celebration on this , the twenty - fourth of september in the year eighteen hundred and sixty four." elena reads. I perk up and dust myself off.

"wow , 1864. That was a long while ago." i add.

"ooh there's an original guest registry." elena says to stefan and i. Stefan looks nervous and i give him an 'are you okay' look. He nods and i shrug it off.

"look at all these familiar names. Sheriff william forbes , mayor benjamin lockwood." elena pauses and i look at her.

"is that ... Damon salvatore," she stops and looks at stefan. I shoot up and read the next one. "and stefan salvatore?" she looks confused at stefan and he looks torn.

"what the hell?" i mumble.

"the original salvatore brothers , our ancestors. Tragic story actually " damon's voice appears,  i turn around and roll my eyes.

I wasn't going to cause a scene so i just put up with his presence by snatching elena's cupcake and taking a bite out of it lividly. Elena gives me a face and i give her the 'don't question me' face. Damon looks amused. I want to wipe the smug look off his face. Caroline is wearing a scarf and its not scarf season. Hmm , maybe she wanted to be bold for the founders council.

"we don't want to bore them with the past."

Stefan says glaring at damon.  They have a mini stare off and i glance in between them trying to understand what is actually happening.

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