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Here I am at my house. Just sitting at my old desk. How did I end up here? Cooped up in my house? This house is giving me some serious brain damage. It's not like any other house wouldn't, though. I stood up and took a few steps towards my window, the floor creaking with each. I looked out the window for something. Anything.

This neighborhood hasn't had any activity for weeks now. I'm beginning to make myself believe I'm actually alone. But why would there be anything at two in the morning? I don't even know why I'm looking I can't even see anything with just a drop light from the moon. I couldn't sleep so I just got up. You would think, after nights of endless hours and my thoughts still running, I'd be tired.

I'm not. Simply, I'm bored. Bored with this life. Bored of my mind. Bored of, everything. Why was I born here? On this planet? Why was I born when I was? I don't like it, I stepped away from the window and opened my dresser. I pulled out an old sweater that, luckily, still fits me. I've had it for years and it hasn't faded yet. It gets really cold at night.

As I creeped down stairs the steps creaked with every step. I haven't been down stairs in two days, I'd be surprised if they didn't creak. I stepped in some white, almost cream, slippers and went outside.

The air was cold and you could see your breath as if it was fog and the burning sensation in my nostrils was not appealing to me. I looked around and saw the trees swaying in the trickle of moonlight we had. It never gets any brighter then this at night.

There were footsteps. How could I tell? The grass is probably frosted over and there are some leaves on the ground. I quickly turned around and saw a figure. Maybe a man? He had a large body frame. From what I could tell, he was also pretty muscular. He stopped in his tracks. For a few minutes he just stood there. I could see the outline of his head look in every direction. Then he started walking towards me more quickly. His body figure grew the closer he got. Five feet? Five feet five inches? No no no, nearly six feet. Had to be. He was still walking towards me and it appeared to be that he was wearing all black. Who wears all black? Who's out at 2am? I thought for a second. Nope. Nope. Nope. This, is my cue to go back inside. I ran back inside and locked the door.

I ran to the window half hoping to see him again. I kept looking outside and it began to rain. It didn't look like we would have a storm, but then again, it was too dark to see anything. Then lighting and thunder cracked and I fell on my back from what I had saw. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I wanted to just curl up into a ball in my bed.

I dared myself to look out the window again. All I really could see was rain drops sliding down the window. My heart could still pass for a kick drum and I was breathing heavily. I slowly walked upstairs. The longer it took me to get to my room the more anxious I got. But I really needed to calm down.

I layed down in bed and tried to get my mind off things by humming to songs. It calms me down. Some...

This isn't working. It never does, so why even bother? But its all I can do or I'll just lay awake here. I kept my eyes closed until they felt glued together. I wanted to open them but if I did I'd loose that sleep temptation and jump off walls. Again.

So I just lay there. Fragile, afraid and deep in thought. I didn't have anything to think about. Nothing other then... Nothing. Well nothing that I wanted to think about. What is nothing? Nothing is something that is not anything. So its a thing, but then again, its nothing.

I was doing nothing. But that's impossible, how could someone simply do nothing? No matter what, you are always doing something. I was doing nothing. So I was doing something. But nothing is not a something, but then again, its a noun so its something. Then I fell asleep.

×next morning×

Morning came and I just lie in my bed waiting for life to be... Better. This never works. It stays the same. 'Bet death is more exciting then this. I got out of bed very lazily and dragged my feet on the floor to the bathroom.

I opened the faucet and splashed water on my face then started brushing my teeth with as minimal toothpaste possible while still keeping them clean. I rinsed and dried my face. While walking to my room, something caught my attention out the window in the hall.

I took a few steps back and looked out the window. There was nothing. I promise I saw something. I don't know what it was and I can't recall what it looked like, it was so quick. Peculiar.

I went on about my normal routine for everyday. Eat breakfast, stare at the wall, stare some more. Stare some more, have lunch, have a small conversation with myself.

"I'm insane."

"Truelly, you are."

"I know I am. Stop! Gah!" I got mad at myself. This happens every single day. Honestly it does. There's no stopping it. Well, at least it's been getting shorter. So you can say, I'm breaking habits. The dining room was silent. All you could hear was my breathing and heart beating so slowly it feels like it's skips beats. Not normal, not normal at all.

I took a deep breath and walked upstairs. It was already three in the afternoon. I collapsed in bed and waited. Waited, for a better life. Waited to wake up from this nightmare. Waited to be shaken awake and be told it was all an illusion. Sometimes I make myself think this really is, caused by some sort of... Substance I took in or something.

How do you convince yourself you're living in an illusion? Simply do the same thing people did to convince you your name is what it is. Because, clearly its not. I've never been really fond of my name. I'd much rather be called Andy. The meaning of my name, as in origin, is pretty cool, I just don't like the way it sounds.

The house creaked and I started humming to myself. I hate it when that happens. I get paranoid too easily. What's wrong with me? Too many things to even start with.


Hi there! Thanks for checking out my new book Slaying Mortuum. I really hope you enjoy it so far. I will be focusing on this one mainly this summer. I haven't really worked up a schedule so... I will just update whenever I think. Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

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