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The cold steps creaked as I made my way down stairs. I dragged my hand against the faded orange wall to keep me up right. I successfully made it to the kitchen without tripping on anything and step over to look out the window above the rusty sink. It was only seven in the afternoon, and the sun was already fading.I reached to open the cabinet but as soon as I did something caught my eye.

The bushes outside were moving just slightly. I shoved it out of my head. Obviously it was just the wind. Had to be. I poured myself some dry cereal and started eating it like that. I leaned against the sink and stared out the window.

The ground looked a bit muddy and the trees were dripping excess rain water that their leaves had bunched up. I pop another piece of cereal in my mouth once again. And another one. I reach for another, but then I get distracted by the moving bush once again. This time, it could not have possibly been the wind.

I scanned the trees quickly and the bushes beside the one that's branches were swaying. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

But I do see something. It's black compared to the beautiful green leaves from the bush. "A bird maybe?"
I whisper to myself. My eyes go wide and I drop the thin piece of cereal and rip open the drawer closest near me.

I struggle to find any weapons so I quickly move on to the next. Empty. My heart begins to pound against my chest.

I whip my head to the left forty- five degrees and check outside the window. Its gone. I check my last drawer and finally find all my knives.

I snatch the three ninja stars and one long dagger, take one last glance out the window, grab the bowl of cereal then run upstairs.

I check each window I pass before ending up at my room. The door warily shut and the lock made a click noise when I pressed it. I grabbed the chair from my old desk and leaned it just under the knob.

I stared outside my window for a few minutes. I didn't see anything suspicious, it all still looked the same outside. I pulled my thick black curtains closed and the room went dark.

I huddled up between the bed and wall. I didn't hear anything. Except for my heavy breathing of course. I waited ad waited and waited. I didn't hear anything or see anything from the small glimpses I had out the window. What felt like hours was only a matter of minutes.

Still nothing had happened. So, I stood up. I tucked the ninja stars away in a bag, held the dagger in my hand, and moved the chair from my door.

Only to hear my front door being kicked open. A wave of shock and fear washed over me. My heart pounding harder than it had been the night before.

There were loud footsteps downstairs, making my heart rate increase, I didn't even know how that was possible. I suddenly felt dizzy. Oh no. I inhaled and exhaled slowly but as I heard more and louder sounds my breathing was soon involuntary.

I don't no what I was thinking when I decided to also grab the bowl of cereal and rip to door open. A part of me told me it's now or never.

I ran down the stairs and my eyes got wide as I screamed so loud my lungs probably were the smallest thing on earth. I dropped my bowl of cereal and ran over to him. I gave him a hug, but then pushed him away.

"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled at him.

"I'd like to ask the same to you!" The man asked. I scanned him up an down. He had a very muscular body frame. He was wearing camouflage shorts and a black hoodie. He was really tall too. He had brown hair but it was messy, like bed head, but it worked. I looked him straight in the eyes, which were two different colors. One hazel, and one green...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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