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School had just ended and to my luck, I was walking home. It was a tremendously good day outside, with it turning fall. I was on my way to my house, from there I would change into some different clothes, eat, then meet up with Stan who is one of my best friends. He lives just a few houses down from me, then we're going to go to the barrens. Sadly, Stan prefers to ride the bus home, rather than to walk home so I walk by myself.

Huge mistake.

"Hey, Lizzy!" I heard someone shout from behind me. I turn to see Vic Criss, man how I hate that guy. Soon enough, here comes Belch and Henry from the side of the building. Henry stood in front of them as they stood behind.

"Long time no see, babe." He smirked. "Oh, beat it, Henry." I scowled. Ever since fourth grade, he's been trying to get with me. I don't like him though, he always picks on my friends.

"Come on, don't be like that." He said, grabbing both of my hands and held them in his. I pulled mine back and glared at him.

"I have to go." I said and turned to walk, when he grabbed my waist and held me close to him.

"Come hang out with me and my friends." He whispered.

"My friends and I." I corrected him. "I'll take that as a yes." He turned me around, facing him.

"That's a no, actually." I kept a straight face, even though inside I was terrified.
"Say fucking yes." He told me more sternly, tightening his grip on me. By this time, I was scared that if it said no once more, that he would hurt me or my friends.

"Sorry, but I have to go meet my friends." I tried to dodge his request.

"Fuck your friends. Hang out with us." He said. I looked over his shoulder to Belch and Vic, seeing them shake their head as in I better say yes.

"Okay. Only for a little bit." I sighed. "I'll be the only to say how long you hang out with us."


We walked past the outskirts of town, to an old vacant car lot. The barrens weren't far from here, honestly. This must be where they come after school.

"What time do you have to be home?" Belch questioned. I lied and said "In about an hour."

"No you don't, I see you walking around with that fag friend of yours at night all the time." Vic interjected.

"Shut up." I rudely said. "Well, since you're going to be here a while, Vic, Belch, go get some logs. We're gonna light this fucker up." He gestured to a pit that was in the ground, which I assume was for bonfires. They did as he said and went into the woods that were around to go look for good wood.

Henry and I sat down on one of the giant logs that were sitting around the hole in the ground.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" He asked. I have no idea why he was acting all nice all of a sudden, when earlier he had me in a death grip and forced me to go with him.

"I like to draw and paint." I told him. "What kind of things can you draw?" He sounded interested.

"It depends on the day, time, month, year, my mood and the length on my fingernails." I joked, as Henry started to laugh.

It wasn't that funny. I thought.

"What about your friends? Tell me about them." He said, once his laughter died down. I quizzed "Do you actually want to hear about them, because last time I checked you didn't seem to care for them."

"No, I don't want to hear about them. But if it makes you happy." He shrugged.

"I you don't want to hear about them, then I'm not going to tell you." I stated. "Wait! I mean- I do want to hear about them." I looked at him suspiciously.

"Okay, well, my closest friend out of everyone is Stan. We live down the street from each other and have been for a few years. Bill, Eddie, Mike, Richie, Eddie and Bev are close to me too, but Stan is my number one." I explained.

"How'd you become friends with them?" Henry interrogated.

"Stan and I were kind of just by our selfs for a while, then we met Richie in third grade, he introduced us to Eddie and Bill, then eventually Beverly. When Ben came to school a few months ago, Bill invited him to sit at lunch with us, I and since then he's been our eighth."

"I hate all those bastards." He mumbled when I was finished talking.

"What?" I pretended not to hear. "Nothing. Say, you wanna come eat lunch at our table sometime?"

"I would say yes, but then I remembered that it's you. So, no." I sarcastically smiled.

"Look, I know you don't like me, but I like you and I know you know it. Can't you see that I'm trying to be nice for once? I'm never fucking nice! But if it'll make you like me, then I will be." He confessed.

"Henry-" I sighed "- I know you like me, but it just wouldn't work out. The whole town is terrified of you, including me. You hate my friends and I hate yours. It just wouldn't work." I told him.

"It can definitely work, only if you try. Please?" He begged.

"No, I'm not just going to agree to go out with you." I said.

"Okay, then what about one date? Then, you can decide." He quickly said.

"One date?" "One date." He confirmed. "Alright, but only one." I said, and he smiled.


for scofieldisbae hope you like it!

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