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I sat on the porch swing that, ironically, wasn't on the porch. Instead, my parents decided to set in in the yard, in between our two giant oak trees. I was currently reading The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway. A friend from school had recommended the book to me, and I recent bought it. The breeze that the wind brought, made the swing rock by itself, and the pages of my book gently fly upward.

"Hey, Sophia." I was interrupted. Turning, my eyes landed on a friend of mine, Stan. He was standing on the side of the road, about twenty five or so feet in front of me. I ushered him to come to me. Walking through my yard, he sat down beside me. Stan, being Stan, was wearing a nice dress shirt with button up pants. His cousin lived a few houses down from mine, so he always came in the neighborhood to visit him. Last year, we had class together which is how we first met.

"Hey, Stanley. Did you walk all the way here? You usually ride your bike." I questioned to him. I closed my book and directed my full attention to him. "Yeah, I let Eddie use my bike today. Him and Bill we're supposed to be going down to the barrens, but his bicycle's chain unexpectedly came off. So, I let him use mine." He thoroughly explained. I nodded that I understood. It seems like something Stan would do, he's usually really thoughtful when it comes to others.

"Well, just be careful. Don't want you to get snatched up by Henry and his gang." I joked. Everyone in this town hated Henry's guts. I didn't seem to care though, he's never picked on me once.

"Yeah, I know. I was thinking about taking the back roads but knowing him, he probably takes them. I've just been going through the town, where there's a lot of people, witnesses." Stan stated. "You know that people in this town don't give a shit. If they see you getting harassed they won't do anything. It's like something weird about Derry."

"You're right. I have noticed that, glad I'm not the only one. Say, whatcha reading there?" He changed the subject. I assume that he didn't really like the topic of Derry. Hell, no one does.

"It's called The Old Man And The Sea." I showed him the book cover. "Is it any good? I've heard of it but never once have I read it." That came by as a surprise. Stanley is one to read everything, from ingredients on a cereal box, to graffiti on a building.

"Actually, I'm not sure. I haven't started to read it yet." I laughed. He pulled out a small book from his back pocket. "This is one of my favorite books. I can tell you every single breed of bird, what they look like, and what they do." He handed me his bird watching booklet. I flipped through the pages to see illustrations and photographs of brightly colored feathers that belonged to different types of birds. I smiled and handed him it back.

"I know it may seem geeky, but it's what I like, ya know?" He sheepishly looked down, clearly embarrassed of his interests. "Actually, I think it's cool that you're into these kinds of things. It shows intelligence. While most boys are pretend sword fighting or reading comic books, you're studying nature and real things. You shouldn't be ashamed of it. If it's what you like, then no one can change that." I truthfully said.

"Gee, thanks. No ones ever said that before." Stan lightly blushed. "If any one ever gives you crap about it, tell me and I'll punch them square in the face." I pretended to look all tough-like.

"You're probably the least violent person I know." He chuckled. Still holding the book, he flipped through the pages like I did. "Wait! Go back a few pages." I stopped him. He turned back a few pages like I instructed. "That one! That's my favorite bird."

"The cardinal? Definitely a beautiful bird, but so common. Why's it your favorite?" He quizzed. The cardinal was very special to me. "My great grandma was an amazing painter. She painted all sorts of things, but her favorite was to paint cardinals. They were her favorite, too. Ever since she died, whenever I see a cardinal, I always say that it's her." I said.

"Sophia, you are one truly beautiful girl, inside and out."


for Radical80ss sorry it took so long haha

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