The day it al started

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It was 3 PM on a Wednesday and finally the school bell rang. I walked to my locker, said goodbye to my friends and left. "Why do I always get so much homework when I have no time at all " I thought when I took my bike and began on my bicycle ride back home. On my way home I usualy listen to music because I am alone most of the time and had to bike for and hour or so.

When I got home my mom gave me a cookie and asked how school was today. I awnser as sarcastic as possible and say that my day was wonderful. Glancing at the table I see a huge pule of folded newspaper which I have to deliver today. Just when I want to start loading the paper into the oversised bag on my bike, my mom calls me. She says: " Ilse, you will have to wait untill I come back until you leave.""Whyyy" I ask in a anoyed voice. "Because I'm going to grandma to help her with her new computer" she anwers. I reply okay and start to walk towards the stairs. I will do my homework first then.
That was not one of my best ideas because my mom starts to yell about me having to stay downstairs otherwise people will break in. I sit down angry on the couch because I'm waisting time I already do not have. When my mom is gone and out of sight I walk upstairs anyways, how else will I get all this work done?

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