Men in black

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After about 15 minutes of doing my homework, I suddenly hear a loud and somewhat familiar sound. The sound does not really bother me, but I would like to know what it is.
A minute later I hear a voice talking, this one I never heard before. Now I am starting to get worried. Just go check downstairs, a small voice in my head keeps repeating to me. Because of this I can not concentrate so I decide to go do it, so I can continue with my work.

When I walk down the stairs I get this weird feeling but I have no idea what it means. It feels like my stomach turned around. Ah shake it off, I think and walk towards the door that opens to the living room. In my first glance into the room I see nothing, but as soon as I turn my head to the couch I feel paralized for a second or two.
There are about 5 à 6 men, I think, standing all dressed in black standing in the room. They are looking through the papers on the table, photographing a bunch of stuff and checking the photos on the wall. I immediatly get noticed by one of the man that was making photos. "That's her" he says in a clear low voice, and all the other men turn around and start to run fast towards me. There is no way that I can run away fast enough so I decide in a split second that my only option will be to fight. Which is not a really fair, because I'm 5'5 and fairly skinny and they are all muscular grown up man.

The first man that comes close I hit in the face so hard that he lands on the floor. I'm really suprised by my own strength, but I have no time to think about that baceause two other men are already standing in front of me. They both grab an arm and try to prevent me from moving. I struggle and struggle but I can not get my arms free. Now the remaining men grab my feet and lift me up, the rest is a bit of a blur and all I remember is a lot of kicking.

Now I'm sitting in a vehicle that, if I counted the turnes correctly, is driving somewhere on the highway. I have handcuffs on, a sack over my head and I'm stuk between the two man that are sitting next to me. To be honest I'm not scared and just a bit stressed, but mostly I am having so many questions. Well there is one way to solve that problem. "First of all, is this sack really necessary? I mean it is not like I'm going to bite or something" I say. After a couple of mumbles they pull the sack off my head. "Ahh that is better, thank you". I beter stay polite. I look through the vehicle and see that it is probably a dark van. There are 4 of the men sitting in the bank and two of them in the seets in the front, I can see this through a small opening that has been made in the van. When I take a closer look at the men I notice that they all have scratches, blood and red marks. "How did that happen to you ?" I ask. "You" says one of the men with a little question in his voice. Me? How did I do that? What is happening. " I...I did that?" I ask stumbling. "Yes, you are a pretty good fighter. Kickboxing I guess?" "Umhh no, I never had any training". Now all the men turn around and look at me with confused faces. I try to ignore them and everybody in the van goes silent again.

About an hour later we stand still and everybody gets out, including me.

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