Private Jet

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When I step out of the van I'm confused, we are at the airport, why are we at the airport? Before I even have time to ask about anything, two of the men grab my arms and move me towards one of the planes that is parked a couple of feet away, it looks like a private jet. "Wait a second am I going on that plane?!" I yell, but I get no reaction. I try to get free but the more I struggle the tighter they hold on to me.

When we are at the bottom of the stairs leading into the plane they let go. There is no way I can run, they block all my ways, the only way I can go is up the stairs. "I don't know about you guys but I'm not going up there." I think as I stand with my arms crossed waiting for something to happen. Just when I am about to demand to know what is going on, a head pops up in the open plane door. It is a large man with a dark skin colour."Ah, you arived. Why don't you come up here and have something to drink, Samantha?" Samantha, I'm not Samantha. "Umhh sir, I think you have got the wrong girl my name is not Samantha". The man looks at me like he is thinking and then after a few seconds, he jumps up. "Owhhh ofcourse, you don't know your name." Umhh how do you mean I don't know my name, ofcourse I know my name. "You have a different name here, what was it again, Mariah ?". I'm as confused as I can be but I decide to anwser "My name is Mara, sir". "Ah well, I was very close. Come in!" He says as he walks back into the plane.

I decide to take the stairs and make my way slowly into the plane. This feels good and bad at the same time. Why am I doing this? I keep asking myself over and over again, as I keep on climbing uo the stairs. Once I arrived at the top of the stairs I take a deep breath and step inside. This is the most beautyful private jet I have ever seen, also the first. It has white walls, the most comfortable looking chairs and everything looks expensive. At the table in the tail part of the jet are two people sitting and watching me, like they are waiting for me to say something. I'm not able to speak, it is like my tongue is frozen. When I take a closer look at people sitting there, I see the man who was talking to me before, and a woman. The woman is quite long and has shoulder lenght brown hair. When she realises I'm not going to speak first she steps up. "Hello, I'm Amanda and this is Ted, I think you would like an explanation?"."Yeah, an explanation sounds great."

"Okay, I will explain but you might not believe me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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