Hold My Hand

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This one is for Miss bruna_steinberg, thank you for all your support! I hope you enjoy it!

'Will you call me when you're done walking with Teddy please? Take your time though but I just wanna talk to you for a bit if it's okay?' Maks read the text from Peta and smiled. He and Teddy were finishing their walk of the city. They had been planning to go back shortly just so that Maks could call Peta for while. He knew her nerves were probably getting the best of her right now and he wanted to do what he could to help. He had already cursed his schedule up and down that he couldn't have been with her right now.

'T and I are heading back now. I'll call you soon pretty girl.'

'Alright handsome, don't end the night for me. I doubt I'm sleeping much.'

'You're good pretty girl. Half hour tops promise." He said as he slipped his phone into his pocket and then began to listen to Teddy once more. He had had a rough week and just wanted to discuss some things with his friend to clear his head and Maks was happy to listen and help. They worked their way back to their street and split when they got to Teddy's house. Maks booked it down to his and quickly got ready for bed. He figured they'd be on the phone for awhile so he wanted to be situated before he called her. Once he was ready he dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hi." She said softly once she answered.

"Hey you. How you doing?" He asked.

"I'm okay. Scared and nervous but okay if that makes sense."

"Makes lots of sense pretty girl. I was the same way before mine. You're in great hands though. That helps immensely."

"I think that's part of why I'm okay. I know I'm safe with Bill. I wish you were here though. I mean I know you'll be there when I wake up but selfishly I want you now. I know you had work stuff to do so I'm not trying to guilt you but I want you."

"You're not guilting me pretty girl. I want to be there with you. Knowing that I'll be there before you're even out is helping me some but I wish I was there right now to distract you and at least make you feel safe."

"This helps me handsome. Knowing you're here for me helps."

"Good, now what do you say we work on that distracting. I have my ways you know even from a distance." He teased her.

"Oohhh I know you do. It's my favorite thing."

"So what were you doing before I called?"

"Ummm....watching SNL."


"Shush! It's funny and light sir. It keeps my head off everything."

"What are you watching it on? You want me to pull it up and we can do it together? Or would you rather talk?"

"Can we do SNL for a little bit? And then talk?"

"Of course. I do think you need to try to sleep some babe but we'll do this first. Which one you watching?" She helped him find the one she was on and get to her point. They spent the next 3 hours watching reruns of the show and then talking for awhile. He finally convinced her to curl up and try to sleep while they talked and was satisfied when she finally did drift off. He waited awhile listening to her soft even breaths before disconnecting the call and getting some rest as well.


Maks awoke to the sound of his alarm blaring. He had to be to the airport by 5:45 to catch his flight to Cleveland. As soon as they realized that the surgery crashed with a various numbers of commitments Maks had already made, they figured out a way for him to be there as soon as possible. That time which ended up being just in time for her to be coming out of surgery and in the recovery room. While it sucked he wouldn't be there the whole time, it was a relief that he'd be there after for her. They both knew she was going to want him.

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