Keeping It All Trapped

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*Okay, so I have a ton of requests from all of you lovelies that I'm so excited to write but this has been trapped in my brain ever since Peta posted her PT video so I need to get it out so I can focus on making everyone's stories great! So enjoy!

Peta woke up Sunday morning to a cold side of the bed behind her. She slowly flipped over as to not jostle her ankle and saw that her boyfriend was missing from his side of the bed. She decided to lay there for a few moments knowing that the day ahead was going to be a rough one. She had her first PT session and she was nervous as all hell but she couldn't let anyone know that. All she had heard over the past few days was how amazingly she was handling this whole thing but the truth was she was terrified as all get out of all of it. She felt she needed to keep her facade up to please everyone though since they all seemed to be counting on her. So she took a deep breath and got herself in the mindset for the day before slowly climbing out of bed and heading to get ready.


A few hours later, Peta and Maks were getting ready to leave the PT facility. The session had went decent. Peta was beyond exhausted though and her ankle was throbbing in pain. She had been nervous but she wasn't prepared for how much it had taken out of her.

"You okay pretty girl?" Maks asked noticing how quiet she was.

"Yeah, I'm good handsome." She said giving him a small smile before she rested her head back against the head rest.

"You'd tell me if you weren't right?" He asked her softly.

"Yeah, I would. I promise." She said as she continued to watch out the window taking in the Ohio scenery as they drove by. He decided to let her be for now and see if she shifted at all through the day. They eventually pulled into the Seeds house and Maks moved around to help her get out of the car.

"So how'd it go?" Joslin asked as the two came in the house.

"She was amazing Jos. Honestly you'd have never known that it was her first session."

"Maks, I wasn't that great." Peta said trying to tame down the praise.

"Babe, you were amazing and that's that." Maks said giving her a slight look.

"How'd you feel with it P?" Joslin asked.

"It felt okay. I mean we didn't do much just discussed stuff and then I worked out on the track a little and he gave me some things to do on my own. I still have a long was to go though."

"Well that's okay, you're still doing amazing with all of it though and that's what matters most. Your drive and your courage." Joslin said smiling at the young lady.

"Right." Peta said softly.

"Okay, I have lunch ready if you two wanna eat." She said looking between the two.

"That sounds great. I'm starving." Maks responded quickly.

"You know what, if it's okay with everyone I think I'm actually going to lay down for a bit." Peta said softly as she began to move out of the room.

"Whoa, babe, you okay?" Maks said lightly catching her arm.

"Yeah handsome, I'm just tired from everything and I think just laying down for a little would be helpful."

"Okay, well do you want me to come with you?"

"No that's okay. You go eat and then spend some time with Billy. He's been waiting for some one on one time with you." She said smiling softly thinking of the young boy.

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