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Hi! Ticci here! :D So I wanted to talk about a few things. So lately, yes, I've been called 'Fake' and 'Rude.' Yes. I've gotten hate in Private messages. But no, I'm not mad at anyone.

I'm mad that they mentioned me, but I'm not mad at them respectively. I'm mad that some things said are untrue, but I'm not holding a grudge. I'm not naming names because I don't think they deserve to hurt like I have been these past days.

So I thought maybe I should introduce who I am, who I am despite the things said.

Hi, I'm Ally, more commonly known as Ticci to most. I'm 15, I'm 11th grade, and I'm a dedicated Christian.

I know that things said are that I don't care about people, but honestly, I think I care a little to much at times. You can ask Ken or Kyo. They know. They know I beat myself up about how other's are feeling,

I wear a heart on my sleeve, according to Ken-Ken. ^_^

I'm not naming this person, but she still matters to me, even if I'm untrusted at the moment. I'm going to be honest and say, weather we may never speak again, I would at least like to try and end this 'World War III' like the civil people I know we are.

Aside from that, I'm also very sensitive, I take things to heart very literally. I'm hurt very easily. I'm shaken very easily. I endure, but I'm not going to lie. These last few days have been brutal.

c: I like stuffed animals and I'm not afraid to point that out; I'm afraid of storms sometimes, and I'm afraid of loosing everyone. I lost to many people already, that fear seemed to be happening. xD

I'm rather forgiving, which isn't a good forte to have. I'm sometimes to quick to forgive, and I've learned to hold my ground. A few people told me that. I've taken that to heart.

But sometimes, I'm to quick to speak, and think to little. A flaw I have. I apologize often for the little things I don't mean to say.

I like music; I've written a few songs. I've covered some too. I love listening to that one song that explains your dilemma perfectly! That song for me was 'Would it Matter' by Skillet for the last few days. There was also 'Paralyzed' by NF.

So I'm basically someone who can be fun, happy, and loving. I can be someone to careless, sensitive, and reckless.

I can be someone smiling outside, but falling apart on the inside. I won't lie. That's been me. But my friends have helped a lot.

I have insecurities. I'm afraid of how people look at me, how my appearance is.

Am I to boyish? Should I start wearing makeup? Are my eyebrows to bushy? Are my hips to fat? Am I to fat?

That's something I think on a daily basis. But I'm also confident.

I love my body, I think I'm imperfect and that's okay. We all have these little flaws to us that are forgivable.

And lastly, I love all you guys. You give me life, you give me hope. Every single one of you. To those who have been there to those who may not be here, but are still around. I can't express it enough, weather through art or song. So I'm just going to say it.

Thank you, all of you, for dealing with me. Through my pain, my happiness, my harmless little vents. Thank you.

Thank you for supporting me, thank you for being here with me. Thank you.

There aren't enough thank you's to express how I feel about all of you. I love you all. I care about you all.

I support you all.

<3 So always be kind, support those who need it. Be there for them. I'll be there for those, weather quietly or loudly. ((KEN. KYO. HAN. LIVI. JAY. SAM. KITTY. COCO. I GOT YOUR BACKS.))

^_^ I wish I could draw you all something, but I'm a bit to busy for that. Maybe one day.

So thank you,

Thank you, weather you support me silently, or vote for every chapter. Thank you.

Much love, Ticci

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