ms. perfect and mr. imperfect *chapter one*

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So this idea just randomly popped into my mind as I was watching Lethal Weapon 3 at 12:30 at night. Yeahh totally not random I know,, but this image of this guy popped into my head and I wanted to put a name and story to the face. I hope I do a good job in writing this, and I hope you guys enjoy it. Please tell me what you think about it. I want your honest opinions, so if it sucks. I want you to tell me. Pretty pretty please. lol (: its means a lot to me. 







Ms. Perfect and Mr. Imperfect

-the truth is opposites do attract-

“You really need to decide on what college you want to go to, honey.” My mom stated for about the hundredth time in the past month.

“I’ve already decided I want to go to UCLA.” looking out the window. I didn’t want to be thinking about colleges, right now. Not with everything that’s been going on recently. My mother and father just got a divorce after being married for eighteen years. My father decided that he liked his pretty blonde secretary better then my mother.  The stupid bimbo was only three years older then me. That’s like me hooking up with someone my father’s age. Just nasty. 

Oh, and we were currently moving away from our house in Nashville to move to the small town of Greeneville, Tennessee where the rest of my mother’s family lived. I didn’t particularly like Greeneville. It was too small and the idiotic people couldn’t drive to save their lives, but I guess I would just have to deal.

“But Maddie, that’s so far away!” My mom exclaimed. That was the whole point, being away from everyone. I hated living here. Tennessee was so well boring.  Don’t get me wrong, Tennessee’s landscape is beautiful, but there just isn’t anything for me. 

“Mom, please don’t call me Maddie. I hate that. My name is Madeline. Not Maddie.” I hated being called Maddie. It made me sound like some insane psycho who could go ‘MAD’ on any one at any second. That’s not me. 

“I’m sorry baby. Anyway, I really don’t want you moving that far away.”

“But mum, that’s the school of my dreams not to mention they have a killer law program. After I become rich defending dumb superstars, that got caught driving under the influence, I’ll move you out to Hollywood so you can marry George Clooney.” 

“Mmmmm George Clooney. Yes Please.” My mum giggled. Okay, now that was just awkward. I don’t want to think about what is going threw her mind right now. Just no. 

“Mum get your mind out of the gutter and focus on not killing us, please.” I said laughing at her. 

“My mind is not in the gutter, young lady. It’s on the edge, thank you very much.” She giggled turning on the radio. I covered my ears as she sang along with Taylor Swift’s ‘Mean.’ It was a good song, but she just ruined it as she sang very badly off key. 

“Wow mum, I’m going to buy you singing lessons.” I laughed as she glared at me.

“Hardy Har Har.” She said turning her attention to the road. 

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