ms.perfect and mr.imperfect *chapter three*

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I am so thrilled with this story. Thank you all very very very much, for everything. :3 Loads of Love:3 Here is the long awaited chapter three:3



ms. perfect and mr. imperfect

-Chapter Three-

“Jordan used to be one of us until he...”

“Tell her that story and you  fuckin’ die.” I heard a deep, menacing voice behind me growl. I automatically took a step towards Rachel. My eyes widened in fear and astonishment, but Rachel looked unfazed.

“Jace, quit overreacting and acting like a douche. If she’s going to be one of us. She needs to know the truth, the whole story, everyone else does, it isn’t fair.” Rachel said calmly to the furious and slightly scary Jace.

“Who says she is going to be one of us?” Jace challenged pushing his obnoxious self in front of me.

“I did.” Raee stated, standing firm against him.

“I don’t want her apart of MY group.”

“Who said I wanted...”

“Who said it was your...” Rachel and I started, but stopped when we heard each other.

“Continue.” I said looked at Rachel, she nodded and continued her rant. “Who said it was your group? Last time I checked it was no ones group, we were just friends. NO BODY RULED OVER ANYBODY!” Rachel yelled in his face. Everyone in the cafeteria looked over at us to see what was going on.

Jace has finally managed to make Raee mad. If she was a cartoon character I was sure that she would have steam coming out of her ears, but she wasn’t, so there was no steam, but her face was redder then her hair, and that was saying something.

I could feel my face heating up from the embarrassment of everyone looking in our direction.

“Raee, it’s okay. I don’t need to know. I don’t want to be intruding on anyones personal life. I’m sorry if I have.” I said wanting the two friends to stop fighting, but I was more curious as to what happened then ever. Maybe Jordan would tell me.

Jace looked at me with this compelling look, before mumbling and walking away from us. That ended much easier then I thought.

“Madeline.” Rachel began.

“It’s okay, what’s for lunch?” I asked.

“UGHHHH!” I yelled walking threw the door to my house, announcing my presence to my mother.

“Heyy Darlin’ how was school?”

“uhhhh!” I replied.

“That bad huh?” She asked giving me that parental smile, telling me I was probably overreacting to whatever had happened, but she would politely listen, then tell me to stop worrying.

“Well...” I started reaching into the fridge for some sprite.

“Come on spill. As a mother, I want to know all the details of your teenage life, so I can stay informed and protect you from the bad things, weed them out of your life.” My mother stated, quite serious.

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