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Dark Pit roamed the halls of Viridi's Realm after finishing his weekly errands. The dark angel was wordless while he passes all of the realm. His eyes were colder then ice in a middle of a buzzing blizzard. His wings hanged low and molded, shedding feathers and grief creating a trail that no one follows. Dark Pit looks down on the floor design that slides under his feet.
"Hey, Pittoo" and familiar but girly voice said, "did you finish your weekly errands" "..." No response from Dark Pit. He continues to roam into the darkest part of the Viridi's Realm. He uses it often as a shortcut to his room. "HEY, I'M TALKING TO YOU" Viridi yelled. Silence followed after as the air sits still. Dark Pit entered his room and closed the door right behind him, locking Viridi out. "You know what, I don't have time for you..." Viridi stormed away from the face-slamming door. She remembered she had errands to do.
Dark Pit sat on his bed in the darkness. Not a word slipped out of mouth. He took off the brace of his right arm. Five small cuts marked him starting from the wrist to what his arm brace can hide. He grabbed his silver bow and began cut the cuts that stained his skin. Dark Pit squints to hide the pain. The dark angel struggles to keep quiet at the blazing pain of striking his cut arm. He adds an new cut to his collection. Blood leaked from his arm and fell quickly to the ground. He went thought this pain everyday, adding a new cut every week. More blood stained his bow as he softly places it down next to his bed. Dark Pit took off the rest of his clothing, left in his under clothes. The dark angel lies down, throwing the warm covers over himself, leaving the cut arm out and exposed in the cold. As he fell asleep.
The next morning, Dark Pit woke up with the pain of his tally marked arm. He sighed, knowing that he has to live another day. He grabbed some bandages and wrapped the marks. He slipped the brace that hid his marked skin with the rest of his clothing.

Dark Pit stood at the edge of Nature's End, rocking back and forward, testing death and luck. Seeing if we will fall off the edge and out of nature itself. The grassed was painted with healthy green as it swayed left and right, the wind predicting where it flows. The clouds below floated softly with its colorless shapes. The golden sun shot its rays to the land under it. Penetrating through the darkness and feeding the blooms.
The dark angel stood on his toes, shut his eyes. The end of the day will come to him early. Dark Pit began to lean forward, the air was holding his bruised body as gravity struggled to hang on. His final future slowly evolve into events. Gravity finally lost its grip as Dark Pit fell into the white abyss of the clouds. 

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