Introduction of Characters

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Chantalle Gabrielle Miller- 23 years old. A multi-millionare and the only child of her family and heiress
of their company.She and her parents live in the U.S but she lives alone in her condo.Her parents don't know anything about her using drugs. She uses drugs once a week. She is Business Management student.
She will fall in love with prime minister Zach Tyrone Faulkerson of England.

Looks:Tall,blonde hair,green eyes, fair-skinned,pretty
Nationality:Half British, Half Spanish
Personality:cold,rude,has mood swings, can be nice at times,loves playing sports and good at basketball,loves martial arts like judo and wushu, good at playing guitar and drums.

Zach Tyrone Faulkerson-Prime Minister of England. A Billionare. A good leader. Loves his parents more than his life.A nice person especially to his friends and sisters. He is 24 years old.

Looks:Tall,blonde hair,blue eyes,fair-skinned,very handsome
Personality:Warm-hearted,nice,can be rude at times,very athletic,and can play guitar,piano,and drums.

Ielle Shira Taylor (pronounced as yell)-23 years old.A multi-millionare. The most famous drug lord in the world. Uses drugs 3 times a week.She will fall in love with France's president Ryker Axel James.

Nationality:Half-American, Half-British
Personality:Smart,loves candies,has a bad attitude, sweet and caring when it comes to boys,good at taekwondo, very rich,possesive to her boyfriend

Francesca Adriana Russo- 22 years old.Doesn't have parents anymore,her father died when she was 8 and her mother married another guy and left her and her siblings behind.She has 3 brothers that are older than her.She is taking Architecture as her college course and she doesn't have any vices.

Looks:Has bluish eyes, pale in skin color,not beautiful but very cute
Height: 5'5
Personality:Nice but easily angered,childish,more of a listener than a talker,Clever,great at soccer,loves to paint and do creative things,listen to music and tease or piss off everyone.Doesn't hurt anybody unless really angered or needed and a milo lord.

Angelo Federico Giordano- Europe's greatest leader, richest 25 year old guy on Europe,would die for his loved ones, caring,Italy longest president

Looks:has average height,whiter than milk in skin color,has brown hair and hazel brown eyes,handsome
Personality:Kind-hearted but gets pissed off easily, very loving,multilingual,loves to write his own music using different languages,watches anime when he has free time but he can't draw them.Hates to be disrespected and playing sports.

Alexandra Beatrix Carter- 23 years old. A business management student.Loves to have vacation in Paris,London,Seoul,New York, and Tokyo.Hangs out in coffee shop and mall.

Looks:Long black hair,brown eyes,white and pale skin,beautiful
Personality:Smart,rude,loves wearing girly outfits,doesn't care about boys,loyal coccaine user,has many fanboys,ill-tempered,loves using gadgets,loves to travel.Her hobbies are hanging out,listening to music,eating ice cream,driving,strolling with her dog

A/N:The characters of this story are not yet finish I just need to ask my friends who also have their own character here for some missing details. sorry for the cliffhanger! God Bless😄

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