Dana and Nikki Part 2

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2 weeks later----
Nikki's POV
I've been coming to Alex's house a lot. She and Madison are the only ones who I can talk to. I've sustained from talking to any of the boys, especially DANA and Gabe. Yea Dana broke my heart but Gabe lied to me. Thanks to COLE I got to know the truth but I still don't wanna talk to any of them. I got a text and I checked to see who it was.
From: Gabe - Hey Nikki its Gabe. I know you're super mad at me. I'm really sorry. But you can't refrain from talking to us. I'm coming over in 15 minutes and you can't leave. If you leave I will hunt you down.
I sighed and kept watching tv. There's no escaping Batman.
Sure enough after 20 minutes here was a knock at the door. Alex and I were watching tv. She got up and got the door.
She and Gabe kissed and then he came and sat next to me. I paused the TV and looked at him.
"I'm really sorry Nikki. I didn't want you to be hurt."
"It's fine, really."
"We need to make things better. Dana is a mess."
"Why doesn't he have Kristine?" I roll me eyes.
Gabe shook his head no. "He left her. You know we were suppose to release a song last week but Dana cancelled. We are suppose to go on tour in 2 weeks but Dana cancelled. He's a mess. All he does at home is lay in bed and listen to music. There's the occasional watching tv. The only time he comes out of his room is to use the bathroom or get food. He doesn't talk to any of us except Will and all he says to Will is to do his laundry. He's a mess come back to his life. And before you say anything I have a surprise for you. Come on bro."
I looked to the door and a very depressed looking Dana came in the room. He didn't have a SnapBack and his hair was really messy. He looked like he hadn't slept in a while. "Hi Nikki."
You stood up and walked to him. You couldn't resist. You flung your arms around him and he immediately hugged you back. "Hi Dana."
"I missed you so much Nikki. Please love me again."
You looked at him. "I never stopped loving you."
He kissed you very passionately.
He got down on a knee and took a ring with a blue stone on it out. "This is a promise ring since your still 17. But I want you to know that the moment you turn 18 I will propose to you. So you can become Nikki Vaughns."
June 23rd
"I do." You said.
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Dana pulled you in super close and kissed you as everyone cheered. Dana and you looked down at your stomach which already started to show your 3 month baby bump. He put a hand on your stomach and smiled before kissing you again.
6 months
Dana's POV
"Congratulations! It's a boy!" a nurse said coming out of the room.
I stood up and I had tears in my eyes. The boys, Alex (married to Gabe for a month), Madison (engaged to Dalton for 4 months), and Lamisa (engaged to COLE for 4 months) stood up as well. We all walked into the room to see my beautiful wife holding my beautiful son. Nikki smiled at me and I held my son for the first time ever.
We all held him and my son made his way back to my arms.
A nurse came in. "Sorry but we need the child's name."
Nikki smiled. "Dana Garreth Vaughns III"
I smiled.
After two days they were discharged and we all stayed at Cole and Lamisa's new house.
I'm so glad I have my band mates, friends, wife, and now my son to always hold me down.
I couldn't ask for anything more.

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