Cole Imagine

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I'm in 11th grade. It's pretty fun and all I guess. 

My 3rd period is Theater with a REALLY cute senior. What's his name...? Oh yeah, Cole Pendery. My best friend Kylee, who is in the same class, knows I like him and she likes him a bit but not like I do. Her crush on him is like "eh, he's cute" but my crush on him is like "I'm head over heels".

Today I was walking to 7th period gym with my friend, Melanie. I saw Cole waiting by his class. He saw me and smiled at me, then winked. I almost lost my breath and I couldn't stop talking about him whole gym class.

After 7th period

I got my backpack and walked over to Kylee's locker. She was talking to her other friend, Faith. 

Some of my friends told me about Faith.   They say she's not as nice as she seems.

"Hi Kylee! Hey Faith!" I said.

"Hi," they said back.

We 3 walked together to the buses, me still smiling like a drunken idiot. Faith and Kylee were in their own conversation while I was searching the hallways to see if I got lucky enough to see Cole again.

I couldn't hold it. I had to tell Kylee. "Kylee kylee kylee kylee kylee kylee kylee kylee-"

"What," she asked annoyed?

"Okay so I was walking to gym with Melanie and I saw Cole and he smiled then winked at me."

Kylee's eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh!"

Kylee then told Faith about Cole and then they started joking around with me.

"Dammit he likes you! How," Kylee said? I knew she was joking around with me, you could tell by her smile and eyes.

But Faith on the otherhand....

"Wait so a SENIOR chooses YOU!" she started. "LIKE YOU'RE NOT EVEN THAT PRETTY I MEAN LOOK AT YOU!" She pointed from my head to my toes. "HE COULD HAVE KYLEE AND ALL THAT SHE HAS BUT HE CHOOSES YOU!?!?! TF HE STUPID?"

I started feeling insecure. "Yea, I chose her."

I turned around and saw Cole standing behind us. Kylee and Faith looked more shocked then I did.

Cole looked at me then back at Faith. "You really shouldn't talk to another girl like that, especially when she's much better of a person than you." Cole looked pretty mad, fuming almost. His flannel was buttoned and his sleeves were rolled up so you could see his veins popping out. It was hot. 

"SHe's not prettier than I am!" Faith said sounding supper conceded. Kylee kept smirking and looking at me. She always told me Cole liked me and now it's proven.

"Maybe not," Cole said. "But she's definitely prettier on the inside. And you know what? I think she's pretty on the outside as well. Take a hint, advice from a senior. You want a guy to notice you, change your act Faith. Y/N shouldn't feel like she's nothing to anyone, when she's something SUPER special to me."

Faith stormed away and Kylee slowly walked to her bus, leaving me with some alone time with Cole.

"T-thanks." I say.

"I didn't lie, everything I said was true. I really like you."

I blushed and he went in for a hug. I hugged back nervously but I felt great.

He pulled away and stared into my eyes until his friends came. They went to his bus and he turned to wave at me.

I got on my bus and sat in an empty seat. I felt something on my back so I took it off. It was a sticky note reading:

Just give me a call anytime.



I smiled and took my phone out, saving the contact and sending a quick text to Cole.

To: Cole

Hey! I found the paper, smooth going.


Shortly after the bus started moving you got a text.

Hey y/n! Well I'm glad you texted. Let's hang out today, it's Friday night. 

My address:

(house number) (street address) (city, state) (zip code)

after school?

I smiled and waited till I got off my stop. I texted my mom, telling her I'm going to a friends and walked to Cole's.

WHen I rang the doorbell, a shirtless Cole opened the door. He smiled. "I thought you'd be here."

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