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I don't know what I'm doing here... Well I do. I'm at this shitty school football match, freezing my ass off, looking extremely out of place. And all because my mother thinks I need to 'socialize'. This was going to be hell.

It had soon reached the last few seconds of the match and our team quarterback, Chad, was almost at the line. Just as he got there and the crowd exploded with excitement, I saw her. Girlfriend of Chad, leader of the cheerleaders, most beautiful girl in the entire world, Ms Hayley Williams.

I'd seen Hayley lots, yes staring... but this time there was something different. It took what felt like minutes to figure out what it was and when I did I had no time to comprehend it. She was walking up to me...

"Hey Eve." She smiled brightly up at me, Hayley was tiny so it didn't take a lot to tower over her.

"Umm, hi Hayley..." When I replied my voice wavered slightly, I mean I had never spoken to this girl before and suddenly she was speaking as if we were friends. Not to mention the fact that she was stunning.

"If you can, I'd love to see you at the winners party after. Here's the information, hope you can come." She spoke quickly before handing me a piece of folded paper and skipping away.

I was a bit, well a lot confused actually. I was nobody, yet she just invited me to a party. Swiftly I pulled open the paper and read Hayley's, beautifully written, words:

Be at my house at 6, it's just down the road from yours, number 182. Can't wait. I hope you can make it Evey xxx

I was shocked, what the hell was going on? Should I go? Hell why wouldn't I go. What if something bad happened? Well why would it.

My brain was fighting with itself all the way back to my house...

Quietly I slipped the key into the lock and turned it. As soon as I was inside the sound of muffled moaning filled the air...Oh god I need to leave.

I guess I am going to this then, I glanced at the wall mounted to the wall, 5:46. I worked out that her house is only a 5 minute walk away so I really shouldn't leave yet.

Deciding to do a speed change first, I grabbed my headphones and put the volume on 100%. Running up the stairs and past my mums room was tiring, especially for someone who thinks exercise is just a myth. Once I got to my room, I was quick to change not wanting to be in that house for two long. I pulled on my ripped black skinnys, BVB Shirtless Andy top and hid my bright green hair with a simple black beanie.

By the time I was ready I had already got to True Friends on the new Bring Me The Horizon album. It was now okay for me to leave. Before running out I took out one earphone only to find more moaning. Why does my mother do this to me...

Groaning I put the earphone back in before, hurrying out the house. As soon as I was out I turned the volume down a bit and began the short journey to the Williams residence.

I arrived just as the clock hit 6:10 and the part was obviously all go. Music blaring, drunken teens, yup this was a party.

Shuffling slowly I entered the house very conscious of my surroundings. To say I was scared would be an understatement, this shit was terrifying.

Deciding to just hide in a corner with some soda and my personal music, I just stood there. After almost an hour at this place, I got my first glimpse of Hayley. She obviously wasn't drunk, thank god. She was also making her way over to me. Again.

"Hey Evey, are you having fun?" She had to yell over the music, but I didn't mind.

"It's okay, the musics a bit shit though." I was as shocked as she was at that sudden confidence, but a smile soon took over and she beckoned for me to follow.

Given I had nothing else to do I complied. We weaved through the crowd, dodging drinks, avoiding adolescents, the usual. When we got to a door that had obviously been locked, Hayley produced a key and quickly opened the door. She slipped inside dragging me with her and once we were in the door locked.

I looked around in amazement. I was in, what I assumed was her bedroom. The thing that surprised me was the fact that her walls were literall covered in posters, band posters. All Time Low, Blink 182, loads and loads of amazing bands.

Hayley had obviously noticed my shocked expression. "You don't think I listen to that hip hop rubbish do you?"

"Well it's playing at your party isn't it?" I retaliated raising an eyebrow at her.

"That's a fair point..." She smiled at me as she sat on her bright blue bed just looking at me. After a few minutes of the awkward silence, I spoke.

"Why am I here? Why did you randomly invite me to your party?" My words were rushed and humbled but I think she got what I was saying.

"Well Eve, I invited you here, because I like you." At that she stood. "Not in a friend way." she stepped forward. "Also I'm not an idiot I've seen you staring at me before." I blushed. "Don't be embarrassed, I stare too." By now she was right in front of me, whispering the last part.

Without properly thinking, I lent forward and pressed my lips to hers. She didn't hesitate to grin, before starting to kiss me. I was on Cloud 9, the girl I had been crushing on for almost a year was finally taking notice of me.

Suddenly something popped into my head, Hayley had a boyfriend. Hayley had Chad. Pulling away I caught my breath before speaking.

"What about Chad?" She gave me a weird look, then just laughed.

"That idiot means nothing. I had to convince my parents I wasn't 'abnormal' else they'd send me away." She put air quotes around the word abnormal.

"Oh." That's all I could say before she was kissing me again.

My arms had wrapped around her waist, while hers were around my neck. Soon she began to walk backwards towards her bed. When we got there I found my self hovering over her continuing the make out session. Her warm fingers found there way under the back of my top, lightly stroking the pale skin. Just as she was about to flip us over my phone rang, Kellin's voice pouring from the speakers.

I say up and gave Hayley an apologetic look. She just shrugged giving me a small grin.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Evelyn I know your having fun but it's past 8. You need to be home." It was my mother, nice to know she still cared a bit.

"Yes mother." I rolled my eyes a bit, making Hayley giggle.

"I'll see you soon." She said and I just nodded, not really caring if she couldn't see, then hung up.

"You gotta go don't you?" Hayley asked and I just nodded frowning a bit.

"Sorry." I sighed, she just laughed a bit sitting up and graving my phone.

When she handed it back I saw that she had added her number in and called it 'Hayby❤️💜' I laughed a little at that.

"Call me, yeah?" She asked as we both stood.

"Definitely." I grinned down at her and she smiled.

Before I left the room she gave me one more quick kiss before pulling away. She yelled bye as I left.

All the way home I was grinning like a madmen. I was absolutely going to call Hayley...

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