chapter 12

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Natsu's P.O.V

To cheer Levy up Jet and Droy took her on a mission yesterday.

I wonder how it went?

She said she'd help me search for Lucy when she gets back.

"Hey Happy want to go-" my blue friend cut me mid sentence.

"I'm going on a mission later with Charla, she finally said fine!" He said happily.

"Oh," was all I said.

He'd been begging for days now to go on a mission with her.

"Where's Gray-sama?" Juvia yelled walking into the guild just getting back from a mission with... Lyon?

He's been following her on her missions.

"Who cares?" I shout getting her riled up.

"Me! Juvia does!" She yells back.

"Well you'd be the only one!"
I smirk and then ignore her and everyone else.

Somehow other people started to argue back and then it turned into one of Fairy Tail's good old fights.
I don't feel like fighting.

Not without Lucy to try and impress.
"Help! Someone!" Levy yelled from the entrance of the guild, catching my attention.

Levy's back!

I watch as Jet and Droy are being dragged in by a bruised up Levy.

"What happened?" Erza asked sternly.

"We were attacked on our mission!" Levy then told us that a female named Luce fought them on their mission.
Luce! Maybe it could be-
No its not possible.

Levy and the rest of Team Shadow Gear sat in the infirmary getting healed by Wendy.

I waited outside of the doors for Levy to come out but instead Mira told me she wasn't in any condition to leave the infirmary.

If she can't help me and Happy won't!
I'll do it on my own!

I'll save my Lucy!

I thanked Mira and then hurried out of the guild.

Ok... my plan will be to... find that dark guild and-

My planning was interrupted by a certain strippers yelled.

"Oi, Flame brain!" He yelled catching my deadly aura just in time.

"What now Pervy Popsicle?"

He glared at me, and we exchanged glares.

"Stop!" A strong and deadly voice yelled from behind him and a strong hand ripped us apart.

It was the scariest women alive!

The only women who could cause me to hug Gray out of fear.

The Erza Scarlett!

"We're going to help you look for Lucy," she said with a small smile.

"What's the plan?" Gray asked.

"Duh! It's Finding Lucy," I say with a 'duh' tone.

"No I mean HOW are we going to find her?...Tabasco Idiot," Gray, the jerk he mumbles so that Erza can't hear what he said.

"Oh, find the dark guild that's she's in," I explain shrugging.

"Are you taking this seriously?" Gray asked idiotically.

"GRAY! Stop trying to pervoke him!" Erza yelled, "Natsu! Stop saying stupid things and take it seriously."

I nod and then focus on our plan.

"Gray stop kicking Natsu!" Erza yelled.

"Yeah!" I also yelled.

"He started it!" Gray yelled back.

"Nuh uh!" I shouted even though it was true.

"Uh huh!" Gray yelled.






"STOP!" Erza shouted.

"Ok... we know it's not here in Magnolia, but there's a huge chance it's in Valley Orch," Gray said.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Because Levy was attacked on a train from Valley Orch," Gray explained.

"I agree. We should look there first, smart idea Gray," Erza said praising Gray way to much.

With that said I continued to glare at Gray.

What a Pervert to strip like that.

"Hey master planner! Your clothes are gone," I say angrily.

He looked down and almost screamed, "where are my clothes?"

Hey Luce, just hang on a little longer!

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