chapter 14

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Natsu's P.O.V

Gray, Erza, and I walked off the train and onto the sidewalks of Valley Orch.

To be honest I was still a little green from that, deadly, train ride.

But that's when I smelled it!

The best smell in the whole world!



I took off running toward the down town part and left an angry Erza and Gray behind me.

But when I was seconds away from opening the door to the bacon bakery (I've never actually seen a.. Bacon Bakery. But if they don't exist then they do in Valley Orch.)

I ran into this girl with red-ish orange hair. It was kinda flamey. She reminded me of Flame Princess from Adventure Time.

It looked like she was on a date

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It looked like she was on a date. -_-

"Wow! Excuse you," she yelled angrily.

I growled, "back off! The bacon is mine!"

She was really confused for some reason, "what?"

"Yah!" I yell even though I was just as confused.

"I don't have time for this! I'm going to see my friends! Because I have friends," she said shoving past me.

I growled and yelled, "I have friends! It's just that one strips and the other has an addiction to cake and Jellal!"

She mumbled something but I didn't listen, I turn around and grab a big baggy of bacon strips and regularly large bacon.

If your wondering if I'm satisfied, yes, I am. Because BACON IS BAE!

"Mmmmmmmm nom nom nom," I guess I chewed loudly because everyone stared at me rudely.

"Natsu!" It was... Erza!?

I jumped up, getting ready to run for my life but her fist emerged with my face before I even got up.

"Idiot!" Stripper tsked.

Erza had the worst glare, "what do you think your doing?"

I held my bag of bacon up to her face and she just scowled.

"I'd understand if it was cake. But this is just sad," Erza said.

I rolled my eyes and Gray shook his head at us.

"Unbelievable, you guys need to focus!" Gray sighed.

I looked him up and down, "you need to focus as well! STRIPPER!"

Yes, Gray was naked.

Nobodies P.O.V (ha ha! Didn't think it was always going to be Lucy and Natsu, did ya?)

Natsu, Gray, and Erza followed small pieces of Lucy's scent around the town.


Luce and Moxie were on the next street, shopping in a merchants shop.

"Anything worth stealing? Uh, borrowing?" Luce whispered to her friend.

Moxie had her eyes on these jewels but unlike Luce or anyone else in their guild, she wanted to buy things with her OWN money.

"Luce, I told you- do you smell bacon?" Moxie had stopped mid sentence, the smell of the Bacon Bakery all throughout the town.

"Yah, Kaia said there was a new Bacon Bakery in town. She said she was meeting her mystery boyfriend there," Luce said wiggling her eye brows with a mischievous smile on her face.

Moxie giggled, "let's go!"


"Natsu! Look!" Erza yelled and pointed, "if we go this way, we'll be able to go to that merchandise shop, with armor!"

Gray rolled his eyes.

"No, focus Erza!" Natsu said.

Erza looked down in defeat,"you're right. We wouldn't find Lucy if we spent our time shopping."

If they only knew.

Gray then had the idea of getting their hotel room.

Luckily the hotel wasn't far and had a view of the Bacon Bakery.


Luce and Moxie ate inside the Bakery and talked about girly things.


Natsu, Gray, and Erza walked into their room. With double beds and they already figured boys on one bed and Erza on the other.

But if they would've been paying attention, they'd see Luce and Moxie walk out of the bacon bakery, across the street.

"Yo, Stripper! Where's the rest of my bacon?"

"Did you eat it?"

"Oh, yeah..."


"What was that? Pervy Ice?"

"I called you an Idiot! Tobacco Idiot."


(One chapter left!)

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