Chapter 3 "SKEWL IS KEWL"

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The halls of Star Pony High Skewl . It was a sunny morning, birds were chirping, ponies prancing, limos arriving, all was swell. Until Earth and Cupcake sparkle showed up. Everyone froze, for Cupcake and Earth were the most KEWL and MEAN girls in school. Cupcake looked at them though her teal sunglasses, and yelled at them, "WHAT ARE YALL LOOKIN AT!?" Everyone ran with horror inside the entrance. "Idiots." Said Earth. As they both strutted inside. They put there twinkle toes backpack, the coolest back packs in skewl, in there locker. Then they walked down to class. Mr. Shupp , the school principal was awaiting them instead of Mrs. Triumph. "Students." He proclaimed, "I have noticed a dramatic decrease in grades due to phones. You shall hand the phones to me in this box." The students groaned and walked up to the box and put there phones inside. "Remember, Skewl is KEWL!" Said Mr. Shupp.

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