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My friend Isabel she asked

Ciel why did you dress like a girl?

Ciel: blushes- it was for a case from the queen!

Me: sure then why not ask a girl that you know hmm?

Ciel: Shut up! I dont know another girl but lizzy and I would never put her in harm...

Me: awww you love her

Ciel: shut up! Sebastian this is an order kill nicole!

Me: wait what?! O_O noo!

Sebastian: yes my lord.

Me: no Sebastian plz noooo!

Sebastian: sorry my dear but if i couldn't kill you what kind of butler would i be?

Me: -runs away- NOOOO~!

Please feel free to ask anything age don't matter

Ciel:ahem thirteen over here.

Me: ya ya it just a number

Ciel: But-

Me: fiiiiiiinnnnne! Nobody ask anything to mister sensitive xD

Ciel: no not what i meant didn't i tell Sebastian to kill you?

Me: no! Bye bye ask anything please~

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