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@thewhoviangirls asked why the hell aren't there witches?

Ciel: well who needs witches when you have butlers

Sebastian: *dances to 'turn down for what' while holding glow sticks* turn down for what!

Ciel: ok never mind someone give me a witch as a maid

Sebastian: *still dancing*

Me: O-O...? What is going on?

Ciel: Witches thats what

Me: .....? Ok.....

Sebastian and alois: *dancing to 'turn down for what'*

Ciel: who let in the whore!?!

Me: ok bye before things get bad bye bye

Thank you to @Thewhoviangirls THANK YOU!!!!!! Hope more people ask things or ask dares XD well bye xD

ask black butlerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang