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December 17th, 2015

Dear Vikk,

When you're reading this, I will be gone. Please don't cry. Please don't take your own life. Go on and live it. Continue your YouTube. Go back to England. Get a degree in something fancy. We both know you're plenty smart. Do anything you could ever think to do. God, how can I tell you not to cry when I'm sobbing while writing this?

Vikram Barn, I am wholeheartedly in love with you. Your smile that even the most beautiful sights in the world couldn't compare to it. Your eyes that twinkled brighter than all the galaxies in the world. Your personality that was better than everyone else's on the planet. I like to think I'm not biased. If there's one thing I'll miss, it's you. You are making me second guess myself. But I'm doing it. For that, I'm forever sorry.

When I got into that accident, I lost the three people I held dear to me. Without them, there was only you. I think I was losing you too. I lost my hearing, Vikk. At first I thought that I could make it work. I believed that something could happen and it would come back. But it was hard. And I was weak. I couldn't do my job, I couldn't hold a conversation with you like before, I couldn't listen to my favourite music, I couldn't do anything I loved.

It was hard to have everything ripped away from me. Living was a nightmare, but sleeping was too. I wasn't able to spend a moment without thinking about them. Vikk I was driving myself insane. You helped me though. You'd come rushing forth and hold me or bathe me until I fell asleep. You were an angel. I didn't deserve a beautiful person like you.

Tell Rob and the others that I love them. Tell my neighbour, Mrs. Fritz, that her cookies were always the best. To my other family, I appreciated their support but it couldn't stop me. And to you: I love you more than anything. I don't want to leave you, but it's for the best. I don't want this letter to be finished because that means I'll have to go forever. I just want to tell you the words 'I love you' until the sun sets and the stars come out and even then I don't want to stop. You have so many good qualities and talents Vikk so please use them. I love you.

As I'm writing this, I'm thinking about what happens after death. I don't want to cease to exist, but I don't want to come back as something else. I want to wait for you. I don't want to see you anytime soon though, as much as I love you. Seeing you soon would break my heart. Just one last goodbye is all I want. We'll part ways after that I think. Until then Vikk, I'll be waiting. On the other side of the rising sun.

With love and thanks,
Lachlan Power

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