If I Wait Long Enough My Soul Shall Be Healed

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It took an agonising 20 minutes for Eric to get to their apartment he didn't even put the radio on to block out his thoughts and didn't bother wiping the tears away as they ran silently down his face.

He spent another 5 minutes outside their apartment trying to get himself to not look as dishevelled as he had for years. Pulling at the bags under his bloodshot eyes and tugging at his shirt he'd worn for two days straight.

He knocked on the door, his breathing escaping him as he let out a sigh of what he had come to recognise as misery.

Hetty swung the door open, her small stature contrasting against the large oak door.

"Mr Beale you look like hell." She stated bluntly spinning swiftly and leading him to the living room. Eric didn't even bother to protest, closing the door. He knew she was right.

"Nice to see you too, Hetty." he mumbled taking a sniff at the collar of his shirt and jerking his head back in repulsion.

As he stepped through the threshold of the living room. His lip tweaked up slightly. "Aren't you lot a sight for sore eyes.". He scanned the room, it was warm and cosy and the sofa's looked soft and inviting.

Kensi stood up, crossing the room in a single step and pulled Eric into a bone crushing hug which turned into a group hug. Deeks and Sam joining in. Callen standing awkwardly around the edge, patting Eric on the back.

As they pulled apart Hetty spoke, "that's enough sentimentality, I believe its time to inform Mr Beale as to why we interrupted his evening."

Eric sat on the edge of the large 3 seater couch already occupied by Kensi and Deeks.

Callen spoke first " you remember Damien."

Damien Morris a huge brute of a man, ex special ops and a force to reckoned with, he had huge bulging biceps and a large scar that ran across his left cheek. Nell had been dating him at the time of OPS' collapse. Even though Nell had assured them that he was a decent enough, on the two occasions Eric had the unfortunate chance of meeting the man, he had felt something was off about him. But had never voiced such opinions, for fear that Nell would hate him for it. Just the thought even now made his already splintered heart bleed.Eric shivered now thinking back. "yes." he murmured "I remember."

"He was a marine." Deeks said.

"I know." Eric said irritated.

" He was wounded in Afghanistan, not a year ago." Sam added.

Kensi put a hand over Eric's which he hadn't even noticed where shaking uncontrollably. "He was diagnosed with PTSD." she said.

"He doesn't take his meds, he turned to the bottle and well...." the room fell silent, "well you know how it goes."

"Does he.." Eric was afraid to ask, even though he already knew the answer. "hurt her?" his voice trembles, silent tears streak his face.

"They have a son." Hetty said speaking for the first time since the explanation had begun. "To answer your question Mr Beale, Miss Jones does whatever is necessary to protect him."

Deeks picked up his phone from the table, flicking through for a second, then turning the screen to face Eric. On it was Deeks and a small boy not even five. He was smiling behind watery blue eyes, a mop of red hair atop his head, holding a soccer ball. His knees where scrapped and he had a blue cast on his left arm. Apart from maybe the eyes he was an exact carbon copy of her. Eric brought a hand to his mouth, gasping.

"They stayed with us for a week last month." Kensi said.

"Did he...." Eric pointed to the blue cast on the boys arm. "Did he do that?"

"I'm afraid so Mr Beale." Hetty said.

"What's his name?" Eric asked.

"Justin, his name is Justin." Kensi murmured.

" Why doesn't she just leave him?" Eric asked.

"He has some sort of dominating power over her and the boy, after every incident, they stay here for about a week, he gets dismissed from hospital and they go back, like nothing ever happened, it's like she's brainwashed." Deeks explained, "We tried talking to her but nothing works. She says its not his fault, that he's damaged, its not his fault. But we know better."

"What could I possibly do, she hasn't talked to me in years. What am I gonna do?" Eric moaned putting his head in his hands in dismay.

"Eric no matter how long its been, she will listen to you. She always has." Sam insisted.

"Alright. I'll do it." Eric said standing from his seat a triumphant look on his face.

Suddenly Deek's phone starts vibrating in his hands. He answers it and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

After two minutes of nothing but the tapping of Eric;s foot on the hardwood floor, Deeks poked his head through the door.

"Wheels up in two."

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