A different turn out then what you'd expect

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This chapter is dedicated to lightningandtara Thank you for being an awesome reader and cheering me on!!!!!
*clears throat* on with the story!!!

I look down at the table, my hot chocolate still and calm. I believe it says something when a inanimate beverage is more calm than you. I look up to Civ flipping through my spell book.
"So..." My drifts off. "Learn any new spells? I haven't seen you since you burned down my house and kidnapped my best friend."
"Yes a lot has changed in those six months i suppose." Civ peers up and looks back down
"So..."I tap my feet and a slight echo falls around the cave.
"Star please you aren't here for small talk and we both know it."
"Actually I am."
"But you hate me!"
"That's true but honestly, I don't know why."
"Star I burned down your house, freed your greatest enemy, controlled your friend, chained you behind a rock, hunted you down and worst if all; decided to give custody of you to my sister!"
"Yeah..." I roll my eyes. "That last one was the worst if them all."
"Star please," she closes the book and gets up. "Tell me why your here."
"What were you arrested for?"
"Oh!" She bites her red lip. "I guess it was for having you."
"There was a time when I was supposed to be queen... My sister was unbalanced and all around annoying. I wasn't perfect but I was more centered than she was. Then she was sent to St. Olga's school for wayward princesses."
"No way!"
"I didn't get to see her, but I know once she came out she would become queen. So five years later she came back a rubber stamp and I knew my time was up. So I left and spent fifteen years with your father and never visited the castle. Then I had you Star, you shined so bright I knew that I knew that was the right name for you."
"Wow." I take a sip I my hot coco. "What does this have to do with my question?"
She shoots me a look. "Hey I'm reminiscing for you! At least pretend to be interested!"
"Mmhmm. I got lots of practice in that field."
"I bet." She takes a deep breath and sits back down across from me. "So after I had you, your father left. So I went back to the castle, hoping to find some support. But instead my sister saw me as a threat and locked me away."
"What!? Why!?"
"Well... I didn't know but Mewni was experiencing an incredible time of food loss and poverty. Not to mention a drought. It was band to have a child until this was sorted out."
"I didn't know that because I lived here. In this cave."
"Wow. And she didn't let you explain."
"So then she took you in and I was brought into jail."
"So when did you master magic?"
"Solitary Confinement is actually the bast way to master magic. Just time to think."
"Oh." I take another sip of my hot coco which is more like warm coco by now.
"I did try to break out. All I did was practice magic. I got out and found an old spaceship. Then I came here and lived out my days in the cave which my love left me."
"Wow." I take a deep breath. "Why Red?"
"My you're curious!" She exclaims.
"Hey it's been thirteen years you owe me this much!"
"Fine." She scratches her head. "Red was just there. Rotting in a jail and I couldn't let her suffer the way I did. So I broke her out with the help of a mind demon. She wasn't a bad person, just steered in the wrong direction."
"More like thrown in the opposite direction off a cliff." I mumble to myself.
"Red knew where to find you. I needed her to see you again."
"Star I'm sorry for what happened. But now all I want is some time alone and some magic to master."
"But you're a fugitive now! You should pay your time!"
"Star I know what is should do but I already payed more time for something I never did wrong!" She was blazing Orange like a fire and I sigh an get up.
"Civ," I walk let to her. "Where is Marco?"
"I don't know," I could tell she was lying.
"Where is Red?"
"All I know is she is with Marco. She using a masking spell to look like you. You used I look like Red but her power broke and now you are you."
"Well that explains A LOT!" I laugh.
"I guess it does."
"You sure you don't know where they are?"
She sighs. "Might as well tell you. They are at the W&WS Academy in the White Dimension."
"The what and what space Academy?"
"The Witch and Wizard Snatchers."
"Learning how to defeat Red."
"What? Red wants to defeat herself?"
"Star, she looks like you."
"Oh riiiight." I laugh nervously. "I knew that."
"I don't know where they went from there but Red planned to not stay there long."
"Ok. So I should go and ask where Marco is?"
"Oh," I get up. "Thanks Civ-I mean mom."
"Yes yes." She reopened the book. "I'm glad I can help you."
"Well bye!" I wave as I open a portal. "I'm glad we can patch things up."
"Thank you for being so forgiving."
"Hey everyone makes mistakes." I laugh "Although most of then doesn't involve almost killing your daughter!"
"Star you have grown up to be a wonderful person." Civ changes the topic quickly.
"Mmhmm!" I smile and begin to leave.
"Oh and Star." Civ calls.
I turn back. "What?"
"Happy 14th Birthday."
"SHE REMEMBERED!?" I scream in my head, then out loud I respond calmly, "Thanks!"
"Bring down Red," she walks away from me. "I thought she was a different person."
"We all did." I shrug and I cut and slip through the portal.
"Well, well, well," a voice cackles. "Look what the cat dragged in."

Star vs Evil; The Red Star (#3 in the Dark Magic Series)Where stories live. Discover now