Chapter 1: Wedding Day Continuation

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Previously on Starco Forever
" Does anyone object to this young couple?" asked the priest.

"I DO!!!!!!"

NOW Starco Forever After 2

Reader's POV
Star and Marco are holding hands looking at the one the only.....
" What do you want?" asked Star.
" I want revenge" said Tom.
" For what?" asked Star.
" For trying to kill me when you forgot I am a demon" said Tom.
" Go away" said Star.
" No I am here to take what's mine" said Tom as he grabbed Star's hand.
" You can't" said Marco as he hugged Star.
" Watch me" said Tom as he dragged Star by her hand.
Marco tighten his hold on her body.
" Marco don't let go" said Star.
" I won't" said Marco as he hugged her tighter.
" I love you" said Star as her feet were lifted from the floor by fire.
" Don't let go" said Marco as he pulled Star back.
" Goodbye" said Star as she began to slip from Marco's arms.
" No" said Marco as Star left his arms.
Then the King grabbed Star's hand and brought her back to the ground.
" You are not leaving again" said the King.
" Star" said Marco as he came up to hug her.
Then Star began to cry.
"I thought I wouldn't see you again" said Star.
" I wasn't gonna let you go" said Marco.
" You haven't seen the last of me" said Tom as he left.
" He ruined everything. Every time I am happy he has to come ruin it, all of it" said Star.
" Not everything" said Marco.
Then the priest walked up to Star and Marco.
" You may now kiss the bride" said the priest.
Then Marco whipped a tear from Star's eye and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his hands around her waist and brought her body close to his.
" I love you" said Marco.
" I love you too" said Star.
Then they went to the after party.
All the people were in assigned seats. Star's dad was with Marco's parents. They were all talking. Emily was with Brian and Helen in another table. Marco and Star were in the first table. The cake was 3 layers high. The first layer was red,the second light blue, and the third was white and had a wand and a red sweater. Star kept looking at the table her dad was at.
" You okay?" asked Marco.
" Yeah, I just wish my mom could see me" said Star.
" She is, just not here" said Marco.
" Yeah I know" said Star.
Then the King walked up to the microphone.
" Now the bride and groom will dance" said the King.
Then Marco got up and asked Star for her hand. Then she gave him her hand and went to the center of the room. Then Marco placed one hand on Star's waist and the other with hers.
" I am not really good at this, okay?" said Marco.
" Yeah me either" said Star.
Then the music started playing and they started dancing.
" Are you nervous?" asked Star.
" No because your hear and your not gonna judge me if I screw up" said Marco.
Then Star rested her head on Marco's shoulder and kept dancing. It was a really slow song. Then the king walked up to Marco.
" Can I dance with Star?" asked the King.
" Yes you may" said Marco.
Then Star was dancing with her dad and Marco with Helen.
" I am gonna miss you so much" said the King as a tear went down his eye.
" Don't cry dad" said Star whipping the tear away.
" Your so grown up" said the King.
" You really love her don't you?" asked Helen to Marco.
" Yeah, she is the one for me" said Marco.
" Are you planning to have kids?" asked Helen.
" Only if she wants" said Marco.
" And if she doesn't?" asked Helen.
" Then I will agree with her decision" said Marco.
The Mr. Diaz wanted to dance with Star and Mrs. Diaz with Marco.
" Star you are the most wonderful person I have ever meet and you make my son smile" said Mr. Diaz.
" Thank you Mr. Diaz" said Star.
" Hijo, I hope you treat Star nicely and respectfully" said Mrs. Diaz to Marco.
" I will" said Marco.
" I know you will" said Mrs. Diaz.
Then the music stopped playing and they all stopped dancing and went back to there seats.
" I have to show you something" said Star.
" What?" asked Marco.
" Come on" said Star.
Then Marco got up and walked with Star outside. They reached the swimming pool and Star took off her shoes.
" What are you doing Star?" asked Marco.
" Having Fun" said Star.
" Wait Star then we won't be able to enter" said Marco.
" Yeah you are right" said Star.
Then she dived into the pool. Marco then took off his shoes and tie. Then he dived in.
" Promise that even though we are married we will still have fun like everyone else" said Star.
" Promise" said Marco.
" Okay, now let's focus on the issue how are we gonna enter?" asked Star.
" Don't worry" said Marco.
Then Marco got out of the pool and opened the door and stuck his head in. He started talking to his dad. Then he ran towards the pool and dived in again.
" What are they gonna do?" asked Star.
" They are gonna bring the party to us" said Marco as the door opened again and everyone was coming outside and also the cake. Then Brian and Emily dived into the pool.
" I think the company we rented are stuff from is gonna kill us" said Brian.
" Ah, who cares" said Emily as she kissed Brian.
Then Star made a fake cough.
" Still here" said Marco.
" Yeah you guys kiss in front of us too you know" said Brian.
" Shut up" said Emily as she pushed his shoulder.
Then Star threw water at both of them.
" Hey" they said in unison.
" War!!" Screamed Brian.
The Marco got in front of Star and got soaked by Brian and Emily.
" Why did you do that?" asked Star.
" A pretty face like that can't get messed up" said Marco.
" Lets get revenge" said Star.
Then Marco splashed water all over there faces and Star ran to Mr. Diaz.
Then Mr. Diaz gave Star 4 water guns.
Star then got in the pool, loaded the guns and gave two to Marco.
" Prepare to die" said Star as she shoot water at both of them.
" Not fare" said Brian.
" You wet my husband of coarse it's fare" said Star as she shoot Brian with both guns.
" We surrender" said Emily.
" Yes! Team Starco wins" said Marco.
" Team what?" asked Star.
" Us, Star and Marco" said Marco.
" It sounds funny" said Star.
" It just popped into my head" said Marco.
Then all four of them got out of the pool and went to the table with the cake.
" Do you want cake?" asked Star.
" Yeah please" said Marco.
" Okay" said Star as she grabbed the piece of cake she had in her hands and smashed it against Marco's face.
" Really funny" said Marco.
Then Marco grabbed a piece of cake.
" You wouldn't" said Star.
" Yes I would" said Marco.
Then Star started running and Marco chased after her.
" You are not getting away" said Marco.
Then Marco slipped and fell into the pool. Star then stopped running.
" Are you okay?" asked Star as she extended her hand for Marco to grab.
" Yeah, but maybe you should check" said Marco as he pulled Star into the pool.
" Happy?" asked Star as she wrapped her hands around Marco's neck.
" Not yet" said Marco as he placed cake all over Star's face.
" Now?" asked Star.
" Yeah" said Marco as he leaned in and kissed Star.
She wrapped her legs around his waist.
" You taste like cake" said Marco.
Then they both began to laugh.

Yeah you know it as my famous T Skip

Then the party finished and Marco was dancing a slow song with Star.
" I love you" said Star.
" I love you too" said Marco.
Then they picked up and went to there room.

Authors Note
Okay guys first chapter of the sequel posted. Tell me if you liked it or not. Hope you enjoyed reading.

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