Chapter 13: Sleeping, Worried, News!

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Reader's POV
Marco was in a table while Star was holding his hand sitting in a chair. The nurses where concerned about Star. She hasn't eaten or taking a shower ever since Marco came into the hospital. He fainted once he passed the doors to emergency with Star next to him. Star was now sitting on a chair seeing her love sit there, sleeping, soundless. She could barely take her eyes of of the heart rate monitor hoping the monitor didn't go with no pulse in one point. She was holding Marco's hand with a very worried expression. Mr. and Mrs. Díaz came one day and offered Star a break but she refused to leave her husband specially now when he needed her the most. She hadn't done much in all this time. She hasn't slept or eaten. Sometimes the nurses would bring her food but she would just let it be. Then in one point she let go of Marco's hand. She felt sick to her feet. She got up and immediately rushed to the bathroom. Some nurses saw her and chanced after her in worry. When she reached the bathroom she puked in the sink. She started feeling num. She began seeing blurry spots. She felt dizzy. A nurse rushed in and held her up before she fell to the floor. Another nurse brought in a wheel chair and helped her sit on it. They guided her out of the bathroom. They brought her for and water and told her to eat it. She did as told. She stopped feeling dizzy but felt like picking her lunch out again.
" Madam are you sure your okay? Do you have any conditions we should know about?" asked the nurse with the name tag of Jennifer.
" I don't have heart, sugar, or any serious pr...." said Star with a look of shock and nervousness on her face.
She looked down at her stomach and then back at the nurse.
The nurse looked surprised but understood the message and got Star a pregnancy test.

....( I am not gonna describe what she did just look for it up if you what to know so badly)....

When she came out of the bathroom she had a look of happiness and worry. The nurse looked at the test and hugged Star. She immediately took Star back to eat lunch.
" Madam you need to stay hydrated and healthy for the sake of your baby" said Jennifer.
" I didn't know I was pregnant. What if the baby got hurt for me not eating, sleeping or drinking for two days? What if he dies? What if he comes out weak and hurt?" said Star panicking.
" Madam you need to calm down. Your baby will be fine as long as you don't do this again" said Jennifer.
" Thank you Jennifer" said Star guiding herself to Marco's room.
" No problem Mrs. Díaz and baby Diaz" said Jennifer leaving Star in Marco's room.
Star smiled and placed a blanket of the ones Mr. Diaz brought for her just in case she felt like sleeping and wrapped herself in it and fell asleep.

Hey Guys Chunkylover here okay just in case you forgot the OC Contest. Well it's in this chapter. I will be picking 20 people that either

A. Write an inspirational comment about this chapter.

B. Guess the 10 questions that I will write at the end of this chapter correct

C. Guesses the unknown character (trust me you should go with the first two).

Here are the questions

1. What is my age?

2. I'm I a boy or girl?

3. My favorite animal is a cat or

4. My favorite shipment (if you don't know this one I don't know you at all)

5. Do I read books or watch TV?

6. Do I like playing sports?

7. Do I draw?

8. Do I have a brother, sister, or both?

9. How many best friends do I have?

10. Have I ever dated someone?

BONUS QUESTION GET THIS RIGHT AND YOUR GUARANTEED TO WIN THE OC CONTEST (Remember me picking 20 people so try your best on this question)

My favorite teacher's name?

^^ No one is gonna get that right^^

I stand incorrect
Since someone already guessed the right answer of this question it is no longer valid because then everyone will copy the answer. So frostcupfan16 has automatically won an OC Character so they are 19 spots left.

Anyway good luck. Chunkylover64 out!

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