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-Taylor's pov-

Going to concerts has been my most favourite activity since the age of nine when I went to a Hannah Montana concert with my mum. Since then, I have developed a large love for the band 5 seconds of summer. My dad says that I need to not have such an obsession with them, but since my 18th birthday, he can't exactly tell me what to do.

famous words from my father, "you'll never meet them, we're too poor" "you read stories and imagine yourself being with a band member. snap into reality.. you're never going to be with them" "stop screaming." "why are you crying?"

and then famous words from my mother, "you'll be ok, no need to cry." "they're just people. very talented people... but just people." "it's ok I love you enough for all of them included."

and that's why I pick my mum over my dad.

My 18th birthday was in May and it's currently July 7th. I bought myself concert tickets as soon as I had enough money after I had to purchase an apartment in my soon to be home country, Australia.

I'm leaving everything in the U.S. to live in Australia because Australia is fucking awesome and I've been there multiple times. and my concert is in Australia on the 23rd of July.

I'm overly excited for my concert because one, I get to prove my dad wrong in one way. and two, I get to see my sunshines. my tickets get me 1 row away from the front. I bought these completely without thinking and they will probably put me in debt, but it's ok.

I grabbed 2 of the 5 suitcases and hauled them into the back of my mum's car. my mum wheeled two more over and my dad took one and stuffed into the backseat.

Driving to the airport, I realized what was happening. It all kind of hit me. I was leaving the continent to live by myself in Australia. Now that I put it that way, I sound kind of crazy.

I arrived at the airport and parked the car, taking a cart and putting all 5 suitcases on it.

hey I'm at airport
and I'm going
inside so you can
pick up your car.

thank you, love.
I love you so much
and I already miss
you. 💕

I love you too
mummy. 💕


I know I will. xx

Waiting in line, I pull my phone back out and played Flappy Bird, quietly swearing at myself everytime I messed up.

I removed all of my metal and placed into the plastic bins along with my phone. I walked through the metal detector safely, then picked up my things and put them back on.

The plane doors for my plane opened and I was ushered into the long corridor, leading to the plane. Once I got to my seat, I put my carry on bag in the seat next to me and put my seat belt on.

I Hate YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang