Chapter One: Marax's POV

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                   A/N: This is My first book ever hope you like it ^_^

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  Passing the tunnel of cold wind, I look around trying to see if I could see anyone or anything.  As I exit the tunnel I am hit by golden brown leafs from the autumn trees, as my eyes finally adjust to the light from the sun I look back to the tunnel only to see the fire I set. “Now onto the next” I say while putting on my hood.  “Hmm… direction to my next targets” I crumple the map putting my hands in my pockets, and start walking into the forest breathing in the crisp autumn air.

“So peaceful….hard to think this place is filled with demons….hell it’s hard to believe that I’m half demon.” I close my eyes thinking that I could have saved her from them.  “I failed you…I’m so sorry” a tear falls down my cheek then I start remembering how she would cheer me up.  “I will make this right!  I promise!” my hands turn into fists in my pockets as I shake the tears away.  “I will be strong for you I swear.”

I start walking down the path as night begins to fall, I start setting up my camp site.  “The best thing about camping is being able to sleep under the stars” as I watch the passing meteor shower I sensing someone approaching.  “Who’s there?” I ask as my right hand turns into a blade behind my back.  “Come out and face me!” my voice starts turning demonic and my eyes turn blood shot red.   

I stand in the middle of my camp and put out the fire making my surrounding dark.  “You might not be able to see me but I can see you without any trouble.” I vanish into the sky, my eyes glowing red giving me the ability to see into the night. I look around not being able to sense the presence anymore so I land on the ground and light the camp fire again.  “Hmmm…guess it was just my imagination acting up again.”  I decide to climb a tree and sit on a branch and fall asleep.

               The sun rises the next morning and I wake up by falling off the branch that I was sleeping on.  “Crap I keep forgetting that I don’t sleep on beds anymore” I brush off the dirt on my pants and go to a nearby lake and goes in and takes a shower.  I come out of the lake thirty minutes later “Ah what a refreshing shower” I put on my clothes and pack up my camp site and head off towards the mountains.  “Man it’s getting colder as I keep climbing this mountain” I shake my head and growl at myself.  “No, no complaining, I can’t complain anymore I’m not a little kid”

I reach the snow covered town close to the top of the mountain and I put my hood on covering my face.  “Can’t let them recognize me” I pass through a wall and I stop noticing a wanted poster of me and I grab it and it reads:  “Wanted Dead or Alive, Bounty 1,000 Dollars” I sigh and crumple it up and says to myself “Even here they are after me….I didn’t think word would reach this far off the city….guess I was wrong.”  I walk into a bar full of shady looking guys drinking beer and talking amongst themselves.  I walk up and at the bar table and signal the bartender.  “What can I get for you?” he asks “I’ll have a shot of whiskey….and leave the bottle here.” I respond.  He walks to the back and gets the bottle of whiskey and the shot glass and brings it back to me.  “Here you go sir.” He places the bottle and glass in front of me “That will be 10 dollars.” he adds.  I give him the money and he walks off.

I sense trouble near the door of the bar and I say to myself “Crap here comes trouble” blades start to form alongside my arm leaving my hand still looking normal so I won’t raise suspicion.  Turning around towards the door all I see is a white cat with bright blue eyes, I say to myself “What the hell is with my senses lately?” I sigh and turn around continuing to drink.

An Hour passes and I am walking down a snow covered ally “Man it’s so peaceful here.” the sense of danger fills my body and I slide a blade into my hand and turns only to see a ten year old girl. “Damn kid you almost got yourself killed.” she giggles and says “You’re faster than I thought mister.”

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