Part 2 of 3

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Awhile after I realised what had just happened, I sat up "mark what have we just done" speaking softly.

"Really izz, do I have to spell it out" with a smile on his face like a Cheshire cat.

Oh dear I thought, really I can't do this it's going to fast.

"I'm going to have to go I'm so sorry it's not you, it's me" as I grabbed my clothes to put on.

Mark sat up suddenly....

"Izzy explain" as the smile disappeared off his face.

"I can't right now, I'm sorry" as I tried to stop myself from crying.

Mark jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand as I went for my pants.

"Why? Your the best thing that has happened to me ever since Hayley, please explain" as he pleaded.

I sat on the bed beside him and started crying.

"I don't want to make this all about me mark, I know exactly what your going through at the moment. I feel for you really I do" as tears started rolling down my face.

The tears where coz I new I didn't wanna hurt mark.

"Izzy I really do like you I don't want to make out it just being just a fling, I want to try and make things work. I know it may all seem a little fast but iv not done anything like this for awhile and you know this" he whimpered

"I just don't want to hurt you that's all" as he cupped my face.

"Don't worry about it, iv been through a lot of hurt to last me awhile now and you know that" then peaking me on the lips.

"I know" and hugged him.

"Why don't you stay for a few days?" He suggested wiping away his tears.

"Ok but only if I can nip on home and pick up a few things" putting on the rest of my clothes.

"Yes that's fine, I'll drive you over after we've had a brew" he suggested.

"Yea that's fine" I shrugged.

Mark left the room to go get changed.

I'd got the rest of my clothes on and went down stairs to join him in the kitchen.

"What would you like tea or coffee?" Kindly asking.

"And oh I never told you that I loved d that shirt of mine on you, wish I could have you here and now" he giggled under his smile.

"Aww thanks an Oh really making me blush" feeling rather warm as he picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter.

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