Part One

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August 4, 1862
Eren Jaeger, Union Cavalry

I can't sleep.

The sound of the rain is keeping a few us up, so I'm not the only one writing a new entry.

Some days I wonder why I joined the army, but then I remember what happened last year. A few stray soldiers from the Confederate Infantry stumbled upon our farm and wreaked havoc. They killed my mother and wounded my adopted sister. I will never forgive them for what they did, and I will ensure that the Union wins this war.

Mikasa is fine now, she works in the nursing station just a mile away. My friend Armin is sleeping in the cot a few feet over, and Jean is writing a letter on the cot opposite of me.

Jean and I don't really get along that well, but we fight for the same reason. We both wear blue uniforms.

I heard earlier today that there's supposed to be a battle coming up soon. I'm not sure when, but I'm terrified that our brigade will be called into battle.

All the best.


Dear Sasha,

I'm sorry that it's been so long. Recently we haven't had much time to write any letters, but tonight the rain is keeping a good few of us up.

I miss you. You probably don't realize how many nights I stay up with you on my mind. I just hope that you and the baby are alright, and I'm sorry that I can't be there at such an important time.

How is Mother doing? Is she holding up well? Tell her that I love her and that I'm sorry for everything. I know that I've been apologizing a lot, but I have a lot to apologize for.

I love you, please don't forget that.

Jean Kirschtien
2nd Lieutenant, 104th Regiment, Union Cavalry


August 5, 1862
Armin Arlert, Union Cavalry

Recently the regiment hasn't had as much free time as per usual. Ever since the new captain arrived we've spent a good amount of time cleaning and making sure that everything is spotless. I have yet to meet our captain, but he seems... interesting, to say the least.

I wish I wasn't such a burden. All the other soldiers are tall and muscular people, and then there's me- the small blonde one. I try to do the best I can, but I'm not really the best for fighting. I've been told by a few people that I'm intelligent and make good battle strategies, but honestly? I want to be able to fight as well as the others do. I want to feel useful.

Tomorrow we ride from New Jersey into Pennsylvania. It's not only a long journey for us, but for the horses as well. I wish they were treated better.


August 5, 1862
Mikasa Ackerman

Eren's brigade just left for Pennsylvania. It was hard to say goodbye to him, especially since I thought at the time I would be staying here in New Jersey.

Just about an hour ago I was told I would be moving to an on-field hospital in Virginia. I'm expected there by the 26th. I'm a little disappointed that I'll be leaving Krista behind, but she insisted that she'd be fine with Mina and Ymir. I don't doubt her, but I certainly won't have anyone.


Dear Father,

I wish you would forgive me.

I don't want to go North either, but I've been ordered too. You know that I'm whole-heartedly devoted to the Confederacy, and that's why I'm doing this.

Since this is going to end up being burned anyway, I won't even bother writing more.


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