Part 1

511 8 8

Wednesday, October 21st 2015, 5.15pm

Hill Valley Courthouse Square has changed. It still looks similar to how Scott and Suzy left it, but now it has flying cars, landing zones and other futuristic objects everywhere. The courthouse click still reads 10.04.

Suzy is panicking.


What are we going to do?


We need to calm down and work this out. Wow, this looks like the version of 2015 Dad described on his trip here. Hey look, isn't that Eric's brother?

Scott points up to a billboard of Goldie Wilson III promoting hover conversions for cars. The two of them look round scared, but in awe of their new surroundings. The cinema it's showing 'Star Wars Episode VII in 4D'


Hey, at last it's not Jaws 19!


This is freaking me out, what can we do?


There's only one thing we can do.


Go back in time and sort it out?


Yeah. Kid Tannen must have swiped my backpack with my iPhone in it and all the rest of my school stuff back in 1925.


What else did you have in there?

Sort thinks for a second.


Various bits from school. What were we doing again? Oh no!

Scott holds his head in his hands.


What is it?


I had a memory card in there with various volumes of 'The History of Hill Valley' which I downloaded for the school project we're working on. He must have worked out how to put it into the iPhone. I had my phone charger in there too.


He must have used that information to become powerful and take over Hill Valley. It must be hell to live here. How would he have managed to create flying cars and all this weird futuristic stuff out of a few bits of information on the future?


Dunno. Maybe he raided Doc's place in 1925 and got hold of some of his gadgets and sold them on to inventors? I'm sure he had a hoverboard there. Whatever it is we've got to go back and stop it from ever happening. You don't want to know what will happen if my brother stays in gaol.

Scott shudders.


Come on, we've no time to lose.

Scott and Suzy rush back towards the side street where the DeLorean is only to see Doc Brown of 1985 has already retrieved it and it now parked outside the "Blast From The Past" antique store. Doc and 1985 Marty are looking down the alley at police officers Reese and Foley, who have picked up 1985 Jennifer.


What now?


Quick, it's unattended. Keep watch for a second whilst I try to get in it.

Back to the Future part VWhere stories live. Discover now