Chapter 4: The story of my life.

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(this'll be short. but read carefully!)

Jake's POV

wow. i'm glad i'm her boyfriend. Finding a girl like her is tricky for me. *you wake up* "hey babe"........uh..........that's a REAAAAALY bad nickname jake! nice job you dummy!

Your POV:

*i wake up to see his cute face* "awww, Jakey(or your nickname you came up for him...idk), you're so cute!~" *he smiles* "i.........i'll always love you........even're a dragon". *i kiss him* "hey ashie....." "what?", I respond curiously. "you do realize it's morning, right?" "oh crap! i'll go make pancakes!". I ran down the stairs as fast as i could to make breakfast. man. i should tell the organization now! i........have to leave! *i finish breakfast* "hey Jakey....." "what? what is it, (your nickname. i can't do it anymore! >~<)?" "i........n-nevermind......" *a loud screech is heard outside* "what was that?!", i say in a nervous tone. Darn you Asia! don't embarrass yourself like last time! *a couple of guys break in, smelling of liquor and other things i don't wanna mention* "h-hey baby~ wanna come with us? we'll make ALL of your dreams come true...", the main guy said, with a cigar in his mouth, holding an empty bottle of Vodka. One of Dad's alcoholic friends. David....David's his name and he ALWAYS gets drunk on saturday mornings. i guess he doesn't have much to do without a wife....oh man. i was there frozen in terror until Jake agreed to,"take it outside" and then the guys brought out their weapons.

Jake's POV

"Leave her alone!!! she's mine!", i said as i looked at the main one(David). "or what? hahahahaha! you gonna baby punch me or something?", David said as he reached for his knife. " asked for it!" *i transform into a dragon*"you so totally will regret it!!!" *i run towards them and dodge their stabs coming at me then hit them with my tail, plus adding fire to it for the scare* "ha ha haaaa! you better run!" *she then looked at me, kissing me out of nowhere* "my jake~, my hero~~~" *i blush but she does her usual cute laugh*


Aaaaaaaw!~ Jake's always adorable when he blushes! wait..........i forgot! i..........i need to tell him! "jake?" "what (your nickname)? is everything ok? you look sad....." "well.........i...........i need to talk........." Oh man. i reeeeeeeeeealy don't wanna do this!'s only for Jake.......... " have to tell u something.........." "what is it? i'm sure i would understand...." "well, Jake..............i'm............i'm a dark dragon..........recruited to...........destroy you........" *Jake looked at me in terror but decided to listen to my story anyway* "I.........i was born onto a family that seemed always gone but, was doing work for an organization called, "the league of dark dragons" which meant, i was forced to do things i didn't wanna do. 'I forced myself to tell you, even though i love you, being half dragon scares me........i never realized it until i became 8. 'I felt like no one loved me, not even my mother! *i start to whimper* i............i never *sniff* knew i would become evil! i............i wish i was like you! i forced myself to tell you, even though.........even though i............i have to forget you after u die............" *he then hugs me* "Asia.........i will always love you, always being in your heart, dead or not. you made me the happiest dragon-boy in the whole world, maybe, just maybe, universe! I always have loved u, and always will." *he then gave me the most amazing kiss i ever had from him, sparks turned into fireworks, bursting with color as the kiss stopped; but i didn't stop, i let it go deeper until, we fell out, right in the ground of the soft, grass floor* (it seemed outside the house moved to the hill in the park as you ran away as jake told u during the fight....:/ my bad for not saying anything)

Jake's POV

"i never wanna leave you~........" "me either~..........." *i smiled as we walked down the hill, hand in hand* (in his mind) i don't care if she's the bad guy, she's mine, she makes me who i am, she makes the story of my life! (out) "hey Asia?~" "hmmm, what?" *i tickle her* "h-h-hey! no touchies!" she said, in a angry but hiiiiiiiiiiiiighly adorable tone. "let's go start over, ok?" "ok......hey look! ice cream!", she agreed, happily running to the truck. "Asia! wait up!"

(oh man............i'm soooooooooooo so tired of high school. this book will b continued but, i will do it when homecoming comes though................and when i have a further chance. Darn you Freshman Year! i hate hate hate this!!!!!! drawing requests available. i'm on tumblr too.........14 followers..............thanks for loving and supporting meh!~~~~~ -Taylor <3)

(to asia) the Dragon's secretDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora