Chapter 9: The Dare >:)

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Zoie's POV

The sound of something knocking wakes me up. My head turns quickly around searching for the sound until I hear it coming from my window. I walk over to pull the blindes up and see Nerf throwing rocks at my window. I giggle a little and open it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Lets hang ! Bring out skateboard." A grin comes up to his face. 

I nodd in agreement and try looking for a pretty outfit before I go. All I find is sweatpants, Nike hoodie, and my Adidas. I shrug. I really shouldn't care what I wear around him. Its not like I'm trying to impress him or going on a date with him. It would be cool though. OK, Zoie, focus. 

After 10 minutes of getting ready I grab my skateboard on the way and shut the front door behind me. I look around to see if Nerf is still in front of my house. Great. No sign of him. As I take a step on the staircase, I felt like I step on something. I look down to see a folded piece of paper under my feet. I reach down for it and read the words ,'GO TO THE PARK :)'. I guess it's from Nerf of coarse. I roll my eyes and smile to the ground. 

I'm finally at the park but still, no sign of him. I walk over to the swings, setting my self on it and looking around like a loner. I let out a deep breath in frustration. I wonder where he could be. He better not have ditched me. That's when I get startled by someone's hands covering my eyes. I smile thinking it could be Nerf.

"Haha Nerf stop it!" I say playfully. 

He comes from behind and shakes his head.

"Was it that obvious?" He says looking at the ground and back with a big smirk on his face.

"Was it necessary for writing a note to me." I can tell he was a little embarrassed. Ahw so cute!

"Aha... Um..." He stands in front of me awkwardly. I guess I embarrassed him that much...

" I came up with the dare." I say trying to break the silence between me and him.

"Oh really?" He asks winking.

" Alright. I dare you too..."

He waits there for a moment.

"To buy me some chips." I say smiling really huge, trying not to laugh.

"Ha wow ok."

Nerf's POV

Me and Zoie just came from 7-11 since I had to get her chips. I didn't mind really. We decide to walk again to the park.

" So, whats your plans this Summer Nerf?" Zoie asks with her mouth full.

"Um...Well, I guess just stay home and hang out with the prettiest girl in the world." She looks away quikly trying to hide her face which is blushing.

"Oh really? Who is she?" My eyes reach contact to her. I can't stop staring.

"Actually...It's this girl named Zoie." I say smirking. She's now REALLY red. I giggle a little.

" Oh really? Is she that pretty?" 

"Yes..She is." I look over at her as she starts turning more red.

"Well, thats nice Nerf. Hope your Summer goes well with her." Zoie says fnnaly looking at me.

"Haha yeah thanks." We both laugh out loud.

We can finnaly see the park again.

"Last one to the swings has to do a dare!" I yell while running as fast as I can to the swings.

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