Questions of a Crazy Man

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Yeah, you're going to be like "wtf is this shit?!" And I'll be like "I'm sorry don't hurt me!"

It sucks balls. I think. I dunno, you're the readers. (Or are you?!)

I'm so confused just from writing it. THERE'S TOO MANY QUESTIONS.

The picture is Zayn because he looked pathetic in this chapter and I needed something to be happy about. And the video is Awake All Night by Cody Simpson, and no not just because he's amazing and shirtless... (though that helped...) It actually has meaning... FORESHADOWING.



ZAYN POV↓↓ (agaaaaaiiin?!)

I was collapsed on the bloody floor in a heap, sobbing and continuously coughing up what little I had in my stomach, when Sam came to collect me. It wasn't her plan to kill me, she just wanted me mentally insane. She wanted to mess with my mind. My fragile mind was now in ruins, thanks to her. I couldn't stop sobbing and asking where Louis was. She dragged me all the way back to her apartment, and I couldn't help but notice the sun setting.

Last time I was outside, it was pitch black, but now the sun was setting? Or maybe it was rising, I wasn't sure of anything, anymore. I though I heard Louis screaming, but it was just a recording. I thought Liam was dead, but maybe he came back to life and is going to be sitting at the kitchen table when I get back. I thought we were kidnapped, but maybe we were just staying with Sam willingly. Maybe I just got lost and stumbled upon that building. Maybe Louis was never hurt and I just dreamed up his voice. Maybe that room didn't have a tape recorder and was full of blood.

Then, I began questioning my existence. What am I doing here? What is my purpose in life? The way it was looking, it was my soul purpose to protect Louis. But of that was true, I failed. I failed terribly. He was most likely dead because I couldn't save him in time. Maybe my should purpose was to be kidnapped and die here, maybe this was just fate. Maybe this was just my time to die. Am I tall? I think I'm tall, but compared to theses houses and trees around me, I'm short. Is my hair black? I think its black, but maybe its just a really dark brown. Is my skin olive colored? I think it is, but maybe I'm just really tan. Is my name even Zayn? I had no proof it was. Who was I? And what was I doing here?

Next time I was conscious of my surroundings, Sam was shoving me into the small room. I fell to the floor in a sobbing mess, still asking what she did to Louis. I decided that much was true, Louis was hurt. Like Harry said before, I could feel it. He was hurt. I remember my mental image of him, huge, vulnerable, blue eyes that were filled with tears. He was still covered in Liam's blood, which was dry and flaking off every time he moved. His cheek had a thin cut on it, but was gushing blood from my punch. I sobbed even harder.

"Zayn? What happened?" Someone nudged me. I just ignored him, curling up into a ball. He couldn't help me, no one could help me. Except Louis, but he was dead anyway. "Zayn, answer me!" The boy yelled. I sobbed on response, my voice cracking even though I wasn't talking. He shook me back and forth, yelling at someone named Zayn to answer him. But my name wasn't Zayn, was it? I had no reason to believe it was. No reason to believe it wasn't, either, though.

The only thing I could say was Louis' name, knowing he would never answer but still dreaming that he will. He finally rolled me over and I came face to face with a boy that could have been my age, but how old was I? He had curly but matted hair and scared green eyes. I recognised him from somewhere, but couldn't remember where. He looked so familiar, but I'm sure I would too. If I ever looked in a mirror, I think I would look fairly familiar, but I wouldn't know myself. Who am I? Who is this boy? Where's Louis? Where am I?

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