The Life and Death of Niall Horan

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I'm sorry I just... I'm sorry... (read the end authors note BC... sequel?! o.O) 

Gif on the side because you'll need Niall feels after this *whispers* I'm sorry...  



I'm sitting in a tree. A really tall tree that took me a while to climb, seeing as I was still starving. And weak. Come to think of it, how the fuck did I get into this tree in the first place? I mean, its hard for me to even stand, let alone climb a fucking tree. Let's call it adrenaline. Yeah, that works.

Anyway, I was basically oblivious to my surrounding area. My mind could focus on one thing and one thing only. And right now, I chose to focus on staying in this damn tree. I was literally pressed against a branch about 50 feet up with my legs and arms wrapped tightly around the wood, bark digging into my exposed skin. I was trying to pace myself with the food, so every so often I would take a cracker from the package and slowly put it into my mouth.

You think Niall would have been more prepared when trying to sneak me out of a murderers house. I mean, first he leaves Zayn, then he sends me into a forest, even though its a miracle I climbed this damn tree, and finally he give me the noisiest fucking food in the world. The package kept crinkling and being loud every time my fingers shift eds in the slightest bit, and the cracker itself was like a bomb going off in the silent air every time I chewed. I was still silently cursing Niall's stupidity. I mean, he never really was the sharpest tool in the shed but this was ridiculous.

The best I could figure, it was around 10 when Niall shoved me out the window and I nearly broke my back on the ground. And it took me a half an hour to get up the fucking tree- did I mention how much I hate this tree? Well I do- and now it was dark. I used what little brains I had left to determine that, since it was summer, the sun sets around 9:30. It was now pitch black, so I figured it was around 10 or 10:30. And I was about ready to go back in and get him myself. I mean, how long does it take to sneak out of a house?

Well, I mean, he had to get Zayn, but what kind of idiot doesn't want to get away from his kidnappers? I mean, its not like he was going to say no or something! So what was taking Niall so damn long?

I found myself nodding off, pressing my cheek to the rough bark of my tree branch. Niall could wake me up later. Thoughts of falling out of the tree and tumbling to my death were put to the back of my mind as I shut my eyes, still squeezing the branch tightly with my arms and legs.

I was awoken a little while later when I felt the crackers slipping from my hand. Before I was conscious enough to regrasp them, they slipped through my fingers and crashed to the ground, the packaging crinkling loudly as they fell. I spazed out in an attempt to grab them, my arms flailing uselessly towards them and my legs unwrapped from the tree. Before I knew what was happening, I slipped off my branch and fell downwards. My eyes widened as I flung my arms around again, looking for something to grab onto. The leaf-covered ground was quickly approaching as a scream bubbled up in the back of my throat. I opened my mouth to release it, but nothing came out. Just a soft squeak of terror.

Suddenly, I slammed Onto something hard and rough, a groan dropping from my lips as a pinch of pain shot up my spine for the second time today. My tailbone felt like it was on fire. My arms quickly shot out behind Me, gripping onto whatever I fell on, which happened to be a other tree branch. Cracking my right eye open slightly, I realized I wasn't 10 feet under my original branch.

Okay, not to self; no sleeping on tree branches.

I gulped and tried to control my rapid breathing, not to mention my shaking. And I lost my crackers. Damn, and I was still hungry. I finally opened both my eyes and lifted my head up, only to set it back down when pain shot through my neck and chest.

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