Chapter 4: Core

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Juugetsu got out of the infirmary and reported to the Director on his status. The Director stood at his window, overlooking the walled city as civilians worked to restore the damage.
"You wanted to see me sir?" Juugetsu asked.
"Yes yes, come in, my new ally. How are you feeling now that you're out of the hospital?" The Director asked.
"Much better than when I fainted on the battle field. Can you tell me what exactly happened when I was unconscious?" Juugetsu asked unsure of the events from a couple weeks ago.
"Now this is a coincidence. Check the footage in the log, that'll give you some insight on what you are and how we're going handle it." The Director said to Juugetsu with a smirk.
"But I brought you here to give you details on what you new operation will be. Years ago, mankind tried to build a safe haven known Aegis, but from that failure, we've prospered even hire. To not get into too many details, you're the key to our survival. I don't know what makes you the one of a kind, but you'll be apart of the 1st Unit." The Director appointed Juugetsu, as he looked at the holographic screen with stats and facts about a certain team.
"OK, I'll be taking my leave now, is that all sir?" Juugetsu asked.
"No, you may return to whatever it was you we're doing." The Director said just as Juugetsu nodded and left.
Outside of the room, Kimiko was standing, waiting there for Juugetsu. He froze as she was in a daze but noticed him right away. She smiled and another God Eater appeared around the corner.
"Aren't you the New Type?" The God Eater asked.
"If that's what you're going to call me, then yes. I'm Juugetsu and this is my sister, Kimiko. Nice to meet you." Juugetsu greeted her and walked over to his sister.
"Thanks for taking out those Aragami, my fiancé was out there and I didn't have much faith in the others but now I can hope again." The God Eater praised Juugetsu.
"You're welcome, I guess. To be honest, my memory is really haisy on what happened but still you're welcome." Juugetsu said as he smiled.
"Oh my you are too kind, how about I buy you and you're little sister a meal? I have enough ration cards for more than two people." The God Eater asked with a blushing smile.
Kimiko tugged at Juugetsu sleeve without saying a word to him. She nodded and rubbed her stomach.
"Yes that sounds nice. Buy the way, what is your name?"
"Oh I'm Dakota, nice to meet you!" Dakota greeted them as they made it to the elevator.
The three of them went to the dinning hall and bought enough food for the three of them. Kimiko drooled over the fact it was steaming food. Juugetsu ate his plate like he hadn't eaten in a while. Dakota smiled as the siblings looked ecstatic from eating rations.
"So where are you two from?"
"We came from the outside, a couple God Eaters rescued us in time. We also lost our parents in the fray of a Vajra attack, a blood rain storm." Juugetsu said as him and Kimiko both stopped eating at the same time.
"Sorry I brought up your sad past...." Dakota said sadly.
"That sad past is my motivation, I will kill the Vajra from that day, that white wolf took my mom away... They will die, all of them will die!!" Juugetsu said loudly but under his breath with his hair covering his eyes.
"Hey Dakota, did you make some new friends?" A familiar voice appeared next to them.
"Oh get Takeshi! How are you today?" Juugetsu asked.
"Oh so you already know my Darling Takeshi!!" Dakota said with a flushed face.
"So you're going to be married soon, Takeshi?" Juugetsu asked intrigued.
"If we live that long, but yeah she's my honey and after we're married, I'm going to retire as a Good Eater. Just to be able to make a couple for the new generation!" Takeshi said enthusiastically.
"Darling, you're already wishing for kids, how thoughtful!" Dakota said smiling brightly.
Juugetsu was smiling as the two talked about their lives like normal human beings. Kimiko tugged his sleeve and smiled at him. Juugetsu smiled back and continued eating his food.

A day went by and Juugetsu reported to the Director along with Rama and Hideo. They stood nonchalant, awaiting the same orders as Juugetsu.
"So, my Morphed-God Eaters, today's assignment will be about the Core operations! This will provide you three going to hunt the Aragami, extracting their cores and devouring them." The Director said with a grim look.
"What do you mean by 'devouring them'?" Juugetsu asked unsure with the terms.
"Hideo, you'll be the evaluator today, Rama will assist you. Today's the first day of the Morphed Unit, teach your third man well." The Director explained as Rama and Hideo nodded and left the room.
"Time to go, newbie..." Rama said without looking at him.
Juugetsu nodded unsure if this mission is safe or not. They deployed after a couple hours of preparation with their gear and armor. They patroled the east quadrant, waiting for the aragami as a storm rolled in. Rama and Hideo walked in front of Juugetsu, searching the corridors for any Aragami presence.
"How about we split up, just to see if the newbie can handle the situation since we'll be on core duty for a while?" Hideo asked with a joking tone.
"No, bad idea, we must stick together so the Aragami don't pick us off one by one... Lesson 1, never unleash your form once the battle has started, you'll lose control really fast." Rama said as they entered a building.
"How do I control my form?" Juugetsu asked.
"Lesson 2, you're arm is a trigger and the compatibility balance from your mark and your God Arc, if it remains stable, you'll draw power from the stabilizer. If it becomes unstable, you'll lose control and evolve into something even worse than an Aragami." Hideo explained while looking out the window.
Juugetsu leaned against a wall and watch Rama and Hideo stake out the vicinity. Hideo kept his eyes peeled until he smiled widely.
"We've got our target, the Kouga." Hideo said as he turned with a smile.
"The Kouga; good, he'll be a great meal for us." Rama said as he put his God Arc over his shoulders.
Hideo smiled and switched his God Arc to it's gun mode. Juugetsu got ready as well, keeping a straight face as he felt his arm tingle. The mark started to spark on his forearm, Rama and Hideo noticed and gave him a look of confidence. Juugetsu channeled his compatibility rate with his arms enhanced Oracle Cells. His eyes changed and Rama actually smiled at his determination. Hideo laughed and shot the wall, causing an explosion and jumped right through it. Rama followed after him as well as Juugetsu.
'I feel like I'm flying, soaring in a whole new world. Seeing the world through the eyes of an Aragami is totally different. I wonder if I can draw out more power to defeat this Kouga by myself...' Juugetsu told himself as he soared, running faster than he ever did.
"Juugetsu, when we encounter the Kouga, hold your position still we tell you. As the leader's of the Morphed Unit, you will regret disobeying my orders." Rama said running in front of Juugetsu as his eyes changed from a dark hazel to a bright yellow.
"I will tell you from my experience, Rama is a softy. He'll tell you not to disobey him, but once you do and you do it for your own advantage, he'll forget about the whole thing. Trust me, when I joined the Morphed Unit, he gave me an order but I didn't follow them and took out a couple Aragami by myself." Hideo said running beside Rama.
"You think I forgot about that, trust and believe you'll get what's coming to you Hideo. Now halt, we're close, I can smell him." Rama said approaching a wall.
He turned the corner and witnessed the Kouga feasting on a couple Ogre Tails. Rama gave a disgusting look and turned back to Hideo and Juugetsu.
"Hideo, you take it from the air, I'll distract it from below. Juugetsu, you wait for my signal and come in for the finishing blow. We'are supposed to extract the core and devour it to evolve closer towards the Aragami." Rama ordered and looked back at the Kouga.
"Let's go!" Rama said and dashed forward at the Kouga while Hideo climbed through the building they were next to.
Rama ran up silently, with his buster blade, he ignited some kind of power that covered his God Arc. The Kouga noticed and jumped back, dodging the attack while Hideo jumped out and slammed his Claymore God Arc onto it's back. Rama ran up and slashed across his torso. Hideo kept hacking at it's back, opening a gash as blood poured out. Spraying and staining the ground with a deep red. Juugetsu watched in awe as the two took down the Kouga by themselves.
Without watching his back, another Kouga approached him slowly, hiding its presence. Just when he noticed, it roared and launched toward him.
'Its a Kouga, why does it look so weak?' Juugetsu asked as in his eyes, he felt as powerful as a Vajra.
Juugetsu jumped back just as the Kouga swiped at the wall he was standing at and destroyed it. Juugetsu channeled more power and dashed faster than he ever did before, cutting open his entire stomach. Rama devoured the core of the Kouga just when he noticed Juugetsu fending off another Kouga. Hideo turned and watched as Juugetsu slashed it without fear in his stance.
Juugetsu jumped back when the Kouga didn't fall, he watched it until it started to falter but recovered with a roar. Rama walked over, watching Juugetsu to see what his next move is. Juugetsu started to wonder if he could do the same thing Rama did with his God Arc. He channeled his mark which began to surge a new type of energy that generated around his God Arc.
"So he's one of them...." Rama murmured under his breath and watched Juugetsu cut the Kouga in half straight across the middle.
The core was exposed and he quickly turned around, switched his God Arc to devour mode and extracted the core. Hideo smiled and celebrated at Juugetsu's first devour kill. Rama nodded and smirked as Juugetsu panted. His eyes changed back to his usual green.
"Nice one, newbie. Good job for a first kill but we have a couple more to extract. Our next target is an Uroboros." Rama ordered as Hideo smiled and Juugetsu nodded.
They proceeded on with the mission, going to another Quadrant. Over in the distance, a figure dressed in rags watched the three of them got to work, smiling as it watched the sunset.

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