Chapter 8: Strength

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A couple weeks have passed, Juugetsu, Anashi, and Kihami have been practicing working as a team.
Juugetsu started off charging at an Aragami, ready to get a hit on it but his vision got blurry and he fell over his own feet. Kihami laughed at him as the simulation ended. Anashi sighed as she walked over to Juugetsu.
"Are you OK?"
"Yeah, just lost my footing..." Juugetsu said getting up.
"Maybe you shouldn't try so hard and just go with the flow. Even if I look like a sit-in, I'm way stronger than you and her..." Kihami gloated to Juugetsu and Anashi.
"I don't know if that's true but I'm in no mood to find out at this moment." Anashi said as she helped Juugetsu up off the pavement.
"What I can tell from his status, he hasn't felt the second stage yet. Thats why his mark is the way it is, he's rejecting it..." Kihami went on as he approached Juugetsu.
"I have no idea what you are talking about..." Juugetsu responded.
"I mean the blood arts, a certain activation of your hidden abilities. But with a normal God Eater, they gain speed and strength. As for us, it's something more... awesome! To put it bluntly, we gain strength that can equal a Level 0 Aragami..." Kihami states as he turned and walked toward the doors.
"Hey, we're not done training!" Anashi called out as Kihami continued to walk out.
"It is for me, I'll leave you two to help the weakling gain his blood art form..." Kihami said just as he left the room.
"*Sigh* can he be anymore stubborn and arrogant!!??" Anashi shouted as she scolded Kihami.
"Do you and him have a long history or something?" Juugetsu asked.
"Kihami has been my teammate ever since we came from across the waters as children with no names... As fpf history, we're the survivors of a group that crossed the waters and was taken in by God Eaters in the Northern Region. We gave ourselves our names as well, knowing that these are the only things we have to cling on in life..." Anashi explained to Juugetsu her and Kihami's backstory.
Juugetsu rubbed his head and pondered over their back story. He put his hand on Anashi's shoulder and smiled.
"That was the past, this is now. I don't know how tough it is in the other regions of the world, but you are Anashi, and that's who you'll always be I think." Juugetsu said, trying to say something that would cheer her up but he rubbed his head, not really sure about his response.
"Thanks, I think... Now then, shall I explain what the blood arts are?" Anashi said with a cheery voice now.
Juugetsu nodded and the rest of the training was dealt with blood arts and all. Juugetsu got back to his room and crashed right next to his sister who was deep sleep. He looked at her messy hair and moved it from her face as she stirred a little. Juugetsu smiled and fell asleep.

The week went by smoothly and the new trio kept training. Juugetsu assisted Kihami with an Aragami, switching from his sword to his gun mode, shooting the Aragami towards Kihami. He came in with a downward slash, taking the Aragami down as Anashi watched from the side. An Aragami jumped up from behind her and was going to take Anashi down but Juugetsu took it out before Anashi could react. She put a thumbs up to him and he smiled at the progress they are making.
"Alright! Operator, set the difficulty to Vajra! Time to unleash the Blood Arts!" Kihami yelled as he was fired up for the training session.
Anashi looked at Juugetsu who nodded as the environment changed. It was a glade, fields of green and yellow that looked to go on for miles. Trees were in the distance but the three of them didn't admire the view for long as a Vajra appeared in a holographic image. Kihami smiled as he dashed forward before Anashi gave a couple orders. His eyes glowed red with black mist coming off his God Arc. He went in and sliced the Vajra from under the jaw. Anashi ran in as well, changing her sword to gun in swift movements as her eyes changed from yellow to red with purple mist seeping off the the God arc. Juugetsu looked at the two as he was left astonished by their actions.
Another Vajra appeared behind Juugetsu, ready to strike but he Kihami stopped the attack with his shield.
"Pull it together and unleash your blood art!!!!" Kihami said pushing the Vajra back as Anashi came in for the assist.
Juugetsu breathed in deep and exhaled fast as his heart went racing and his eyes turned from yellow to red in a blink. Black mist seeped off his God arc as he felt like he was floating. The Vajra looked at him again and Juugetsu smiled widely.
"Now you get it! This is the power that will bring the peace you desire for all that you cherish the most!!!!" Kihami yelled as Juugetsu rushed forward faster than Anashi and Kihami could see as he plunged his God Arc into the Vajra's head.
They were all smiling as the Director watched from the Booth above, nodding and smiling at the progress.
They all went back to their rooms and took the rest of the weekend off. Juugetsu chilled with his sister while she was out of training but was invited to hang out with some other friends. He saw her off and was bored in his room, looking at the wall with nothing to do. A knock came from the door and Kihami just simply walked in without permission.
"Dude, knock before entering..." Juugetsu responded.
"I did that but you were too slow... Well to not waste anymore time, do you want to come play video games with me?" Kihami asked out of nowhere, completely shocking Juugetsu.
"Are you serious?" Juugetsu questioned.
"To be honest, Anashi doesn't want to hang out with me and we've been together ever since we fled the other regions. So your my only choice since I don't really know anyone else..." Kihami admitted while looking away from Juugetsu, trying to hide his shame of being alone.
"Well I can introduce you to a couple of friends of mine. Mind if I invite them along with us?" Juugetsu asked as Kihami simply nodded and Juugetsu smiled.
"Yo Takeshi, are you doing anything right at this moment?"
"Nope, nothing at all. Why, what's sup?" Takeshi asked.
"Video Games, new kids room, you in?"
"HELLS YEAH I'M IN!!!!" Takeshi told him excitedly.
"Alright let's do this, Kihami!" Juugetsu demanded as they both went to his room for the video games.
The night continued with the three guys just having some fun and laughing about stuff. The weekend ended and they were back at it, training for a whole day, getting some synchronized attacks working and keeping up with the communication.

A couple days flew by and the Director called them to his office for a briefing. They all came within an hour as the Director stood behind his desk, looking out at the walled city.
"My beloved God Eaters, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the men above want me to transfer you to the front lines."
"What!!??" Kihami exclaimed.
"That can't be true, please tell me you joking?!!?" Anashi asked with a shell shocked facial expression.
"Director, are you serious?" Juugetsu asked nonchalantly.
"I'm sorry again, but I can't disobey a direct order from the ones above me. Say you goodbyes because you being transferred to the West Region where Fenrir is station. They have a mobile city that can move across the lands. Your loved ones can come with you if they want but you must go as it is an order from above..." The Director said sadly sitting back down in his chair.
"OK, Kihami and Juugetsu, is there anyone you are bringing along with us?" Anashi asked.
"I can't abandon my little sister so she is coming with us..." Juugetsu said as Kihami shrugged his shoulders as he smiled at Anashi.
"You know your the only family I have..." Kihami exclaimed while looking away from Anashi.
"I guess I am... Ok so does that make everything?" Anashi asked.
"Yeah..." Juugetsu and Kihami answered simultaneously.
"Alright, Director, when do we leave?" Anashi asked.
"In 24 hours, go say goodbye to the friends you've made and wish them good luck as they will do the same." The Director said as he looked at his Holographic screen with a sad face.
"I'll go tell my sister the news, hopefully she takes it OK..." Juugetsu said as he left the Director's office.
"Juugetsu, remember to believe in your own strength so you cab guide your sister on the right path, OK?" Kihami said just before Juugetsu got onto the elevator.
He nodded and boarded it with a caring smile towards Kihami who looked away with a pout.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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