Chapter 7

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They arrived home and Halt sent Gilan into the cottage with Will while he took care of the horses. The young apprentice was exhausted from the ride and events during. His weary body screamed for a respite. It would also give the two of them a few moments to say goodbye, as the tall Ranger would be heading for his own fief within the hour.

Will sat on his cot watching Gilan stir up a quick mug of warm tea, which he accepted gratefully. "You're leaving now, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Gilan released a deep breath. "Back to work tomorrow. I miss that old fief of mine. Though, I suppose it's survived without me."

"It'll be quiet around here without you and Blaze."

"The quiet will do you good. It'll let you center on getting yourself back. You know Halt will look after you. He has a hard time admitting some of those mushy things, but you know how much he cares about you. You're more of a son to him than apprentice."

The boy smiled. "I'm lucky then."

"Truly. I'll try and stop by in a week or so, just to say hi. And you - don't be a stranger. When you're strong enough, I expect a visit from you to my neck of the woods. Understand?"

"I can't wait."

Silence fell over the pair as they both avoided the actual saying of the word goodbye. But it needed to be said. Gilan got up and walked to Will. He knelt in front of him and put a hand on his knee. "Take care of yourself. Go slow. Don't be in a hurry to do everything right now. I'll see you soon."

Tears slid down the youngest Ranger's face as he leaned towards his friend and put his arms around him. The embrace was returned warmly. "Thanks for everything, Gil. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Will. Keep an eye on Halt and Abelard for me, okay?"


They released each other and Gilan touched the boy's face. "Bye, Will." And he walked out the door.

Will wiped his face and tried desperately to refocus himself by starting a fire and working to not think about his departing friend.

Gilan packed his saddle bags on Blaze and said a quick farewell to Tug and Abelard. Halt came around the front of the horse as he addressed his old apprentice. "Be careful on the way home. And I mean it, if you even think one of those damn Kayzar are anywhere nearby, don't even think about getting near them. Just get the hell away from there."

"I promise."

Halt then looked directly at bay horse in front of him - a firm hold on the bridle. "You too, Blaze. You sense those things, you run. Don't listen to your crazy master if he decides to investigate. Just run and take him with you."

Blaze tossed his head up and down in agreement.

"Halt, don't influence my horse. He's bad enough when he's around your two. All those bad habits, learning how to steal apples and con people into feeling sorry for him so they'll feed him. He's gained fifty pounds since he's been here."

"Don't listen to him, Blaze. Although...he is a good friend." Halt changed the light banter to the more serious matter of saying goodbye. He owed his former learner more than he could ever pay back. He stroked the pony's face as he continued addressing the horse, as it was easier then saying the words directly to Gilan. "I couldn't have done this on my own, Blaze. Will either. We're both grateful for his presence. Yours too, boy." The older man patted the pony's nose and only then looked at his fellow Ranger. So proud of what he had become.

Gilan took pity on the man. "You don't have to say anything else, Halt. Blaze is confused enough. I know what you mean to say. And you're welcome."

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