Primal Scream

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“All of this is your fault Charlotte. You made me this. You have nobody to blame for your death other than yourself. Goodbye.”

“Wait, NO!” She cried out, but it had little effect, she was already plummeting to her end, on the cold hard pavement 10 storeys beneath her.


After a moment’s hesitation she bravely picked up her phone, took a deep breath, and called his number.

“Oh, hi there Mark... So I was wondering, since I have some free tickets, would you like to come see a movie with me on Saturday?”

“Yeah sure, any idea what’s on?”

“Well I heard this really soppy chick-flick just came out and I reaaally want to go see it...” She said jokingly.

“Charlotte, you aren’t serious, right? I didn’t think you were that kinda girl”

“Chill Mark, I’m messing with you, I wanna see the new Mission Impossible that just came out, the trailer looks good, you okay with that?”

“Yeah that’s fine by me” He said with a smile in his voice, “What time does it start?”

“It starts at half 8”

“Cool, I’ll pick you up at seven then. See you.” He said, and hung up promptly.

Charlotte let out a long sigh, relieved that she’d managed to finally arrange a date with Mark. She’d only met him recently because they sit next to each other during lectures, but she really liked him already.


Saturday couldn’t have arrived fast enough for Charlotte, but it may have arrived a little too fast because when Mark turned up she still hadn’t picked her outfit or done her hair or anything. Unfortunately this meant she had to open the door to him in baggy jeans and a hoody a size too big for her.

“Umm... hey Mark, sorry about this, I’m not quite ready to go yet...”

“Nonsense, I think you look cute in that” He offered, sincerity glimmering in his eyes.

Blushing furiously, she was led down the road to his car, where she proceeded to fumble with the seatbelt, her brain too fuzzy to concentrate properly.


It had been a good movie, but Charlotte had been too distracted by being alone with Mark that she missed half the film, meanwhile Mark had been so engrossed in the explosion filled film that he  forgot to eat any of his popcorn, instead spilling it all over the floor whenever there was a particularly large explosion.

After the film they walked around town together for a while just chatting with each other, getting to know one another while they walked. After a while they noticed they had gotten a bit lost and wandered into an alleyway, thinking it was a shortcut.

They hastily turned around, eager to find their way back, but were stopped by the sight of a shady man with his hood raised casting a deep shadow over his face.

“You’ve come to the wrong area, meatsack. You’d better pay the toll before you leave. Just give me your wallets and any jewellery and I might just let you leave.” The shady man announced to the couple.

“Sorry, but we just spent our money, and neither of us are wearing anything like that, so can we just go passed?” Mike suggested, trying to walk onwards, to no avail as the shady man just stepped in his way with his arms outstretched, causing Mike to back off a bit.

Approaching the two of them the shady man brought out his knife, waving it in front of himself menacingly. “Well, that’s a shame.” He said as he approached.

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